May 25 – Day 2 – Waiting in Florida

Published: May 25th 2023
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Today was a built-in day of rest. Yesterday we actually got here early enough to rest up from the air travel, but we didn’t know for sure that would be the case. So this was an insurance day. We didn’t want to take any chances of missing the ship tomorrow. Also, the airline fares were cheaper by flying on Wednesday and more than offset the cost of an extra night at the hotel – so it was a small cost savings to come early. And the TV News this evening described today as the start of the “busy Memorial Day weekend” travel. Anyway, that gave us some peace of mind that we would have everything here when the ship sails tomorrow. It is an example of how we are going to try to keep to a leisurely pace for this adventure.

That being said, we didn’t really do much “newsworthy” today. We slept in before going down to the free hotel breakfast. Then we stayed around the room and watched TV, worked on a stitching project, and did some reading. Also, the weather has not been conducive to do anything adventurous outside – there were thunderstorms yesterday after we arrived and off-and-on all day today. They even had a small tornado somewhere south of here this afternoon. The locals told us this is the “rainy season in southern Florida”. Who knew?

This post does provide a chance to try inserting a picture to the blog before we get on the ship and become subject to the performance of Satellite Internet Services. Future photos will hopefully be more interesting.

For dinner we ordered a Chinese delivery dinner since that is not likely to be served on the ship. Then we had a quiet evening in the room. That summarizes today - good night from Ft Lauderdale


26th May 2023

Hope you have a wonderful trip!
Hope you have a wonderful trip!

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