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November 24th 2006
Published: November 25th 2006
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'Fiddlewood' aka 157, Power Rd.'Fiddlewood' aka 157, Power Rd.'Fiddlewood' aka 157, Power Rd.

The lovely house we stayed in surrounded by hundreds of tall trees. The '157' means 1.57 km down the road, not 157th house.
We are staying in Widgee, a little rural village near the town of Gympie, with Olly's friend Mario's soon-to-be in-laws. Graham is away so it was just us and Margaret. It has been so nice for us not to be in a dorm for a few nights! Margeret is fantastic and has been so good to us. They have a lovely big place set in 50 acres of bush land with loads of tall trees and an amazing array of wildlife. It's really dry here at the moment as there's a big drought in the shire so the land is very brown and the trees are in drought-mode and so have lost most of their leaves.

We were woken up by a noisy kookaburra in the morning. There were several kangaroos around but it soon got to hot for them. We had a really nice relaxing day. Margaret feeds the birds here and in the afternoon she put some food out and the birds that came were so beautiful! Here there are cockatoos, magpies, lorakeets, king parrots, butcher birds......The kind of birds that we only ever usually see in an aviary.

In the evening we sampled a bit of
Feeding lorrakeetsFeeding lorrakeetsFeeding lorrakeets

The amazingly coloured lorrakeets dining on the nectar that Margaret feeds them every evening.
Widgee night life when we went with Margaret to the social club where she was doing some volunteer work. It seems that people here are prepared to do things for other people without expecting anything in return. It was a proper Aussie village pub and we had a really good time (although Olly wasn't happy as I kept whooping him at pool!).

When we got home we were greeted by a rat-tailed kangaroo and there were possoms in the tree and eating from the bird feeder!

25th Nov

Today Margaret took us on a tour of Widgee and the surrounding area. Some of the villages around here only have a couple of houses in them!
We stopped off for lunch at a friend's house in Cloyna. They are quite high up and have lovely views. They also have lots of land and have a horse. On the way back we went and looked around some more sleepy villages. It was a really good day as we got to see real Australia rather than just the tourist parts. We only went down the road but it was about a 200km roung trip!! The houses have so much land between them. It was a hot day as always-reaching 38 degrees here. The area desperately needs rain, as does the rest of Oz-this is one of the worst droughts for a long time apparently.

On our last day in Widgee Margaret lent us her car and we went into Gympie to do a bit of shopping. It's a really nice place.

It was quite sad to leave that evening!

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Bearded dragonBearded dragon
Bearded dragon

He thought we couldn't see him if he stood dead still and didn't move however close we got (this was taken without the zoom!).
Taking it easyTaking it easy
Taking it easy

I wish I could say I was enjoying watching the cricket, but we were getting tonked.

Margaret & Graham's cat that they took in from the wild (he still has his wild instincts though!).
Widgee countryWidgee country
Widgee country

An example of the vast, dry, mountainous landscape that surrounds Widgee. Widgee even has its own mountain!

27th November 2006

Aww would love to go to australia. my sis is off to brisbane in march, any recommendations?? Also the beardie is lovely, nice to see them in the wild, our 2 babies and 1 biggy say hi to it!!

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