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November 21st 2006
Published: November 21st 2006
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After returning from my travels I have been inundated with calls to keep up my blog...well I say inundated..I asked a mate of mine did he enjoy reading about my travels and he shrugged his shoulders and made a murmuring sound...which I took as an emphatic yes..that said feels it's a bit unfair keep annoying you guys and gals with emails everytime a random happening occurs in my life...and considering this is a travel blog site and I'm not actually travelling unless you count the number 1 bus ride from Bermondsey to Tottenham Court Road thought it'd be best to continue my blog elsewhere, rest assured though if I'm back on my'll hear about in the meanwhile I think I'll call this chapter of my life "Adventures in Blighty" okay so it sounds like an Enid Blyton Famous Five spin off...but what are we if we're not all part of some grand Enid Blyton conspiracy......maybe it'll get serialised one day in the (heaven forbid) Daily Mail..maybe I'll turn into a serial killer, then it really will be serialised in the Daily Mail..... Maybe I'll turn into the "Cereal Killer" (and I've trademarked that title for the moniker thieves amongst you...) sell my life story to the Daily Mail and cunningly use cereals to dispose of my victims..that's right next time you dip into a bowl of Ready Brek or Special K, think of your friendly neighbourhood 'Cereal Killer'...maybe I'll force feed them Shredded Wheat...Honey Nut Loops..All Bran... who knows? with 'Cereal killing' the possibilities are endless (apart from the requirement to include some form of cereal)... ....

anyhoo 'cereal killing' aside let me introduce you to myspace... and my deep, deep, deep undercover profile...International Man of ain't seen me roight!!!

and my new blog
The blog to end all blogs

and the first entry
Shag..with a twisshht


22nd November 2006

Screws Fall Out
The seminal first gig of Screws Fall Out is at The Pleasure Unit in Bethnal Green next wednesday the 29th... hope you can make it! I'll see you there!
27th November 2006

why I oughtaaa!!!
ye cheeky b*****d using my blog to promote ya nefarious band activities..get a space on my space =like the rest of the wannabe rock idols...

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