Korcula Old Town, water taxis, relaxing day

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September 24th 2019
Published: September 24th 2019
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Loud thunderstorms and rain overnight so was wondering what the day might bring when I woke up. So a leisurely rise for breakfast by the water. The sun is shimmering on the water like glistening diamonds. A lot of catamarans has docked in the bay for the night as well. Teeth brushed, hat on and I head down to the small wharf to get an early water taxi. I went to walk it yesterday (a short 10-15 minute walk I was told- not so!) but there were no footpaths and cars and buses so I decided ‘when in Korcula do as the Korculans do’ go by water transport. Everything happens on the water in Croatia. So a ‘mind the gap’ leap to board the water taxi. A few minutes out we stopped alongside a catamaran to pick up 6 more passengers- as you do! Nothing like door to door service for about $3 aud. They jump on- New Zealanders- and in 5 minutes we arrive at the Old Town. As the Port at the Old Town is busy with all size boats we dock nose in and tackle an even bigger ‘mind the gap’ . But as before there is a young burly Croatian sailor to help you off. It was certainly a time when I was glad I wear basic and sensible travelling (hiking) sandals. Good rubber soles that can get wet and keep you steady. I have seen a few woman fall hard on the shiny limestones in the old towns and every time they had shoes on (comfy but wrong soles) that didn’t suit the environment. Beauty before safety with footwear is not wise in Croatia.

Now for the stairs..... this is where the exercise kicks in! Climbing up into the walled city as I have done in so many other towns on this trip I am once again in awe of the way these cities have been constructed so many centuries ago. I also wonder about the 1000’s of people who have walked ahead of me...the lives they led and the stories they held. It’s easy to forget that these old fortress towns are still lived in as well as many homes used as holiday apartments. Long, hard lugging of the suitcase. Less is more in these cities.

Like all of these walled old towns every laneway has a surprise. It’s always good to try and do a city walk and if not try searching for a museum or two. Korcula is on a much smaller scale than others I’ve walked and I’m here early for some quiet exploring without the crowds.

But sure enough by 10:30 the cruise ships start to pull in and the crowds build up. Large groups following a flag. So I pull out to a coffee shop by the sea (still within the walls) and have a coffee and an amazing gluten free blueberry cheesecake. Korcula has been terrible for my waistline. The Croatians are very helpful in feeding a coeliac. More walking and exploring this beautiful island and finishing with a late lunch of seafood before getting the water taxi back to the resort for a late swim.

Late afternoon the wind is picking up and temperatures drop. So a good opportunity to sort the luggage, declutter the papers and repack to leave early in the morning by catamaran to the island of Havar for 2 nights. I then spend some time on the balcony with a glass of wine taking in this view and beauty for the last time. I notice the catamarans are coming into the bay for overnight shelter. They will need it if this wind keeps up.

These mountains just take your breath away. Large, rocky and so close just gives them such a majestic status. I hope they follow me to Havar.... time will tell.

Loving Croatia!

Additional photos below
Photos: 24, Displayed: 24


private homeprivate home
private home

A creative space in the lane way used as a patio.
My new found friend, the Croatian painterMy new found friend, the Croatian painter
My new found friend, the Croatian painter

Had a lovely chat. He was born on the island and loves and appreciates his life there.

6th October 2019

Korcula Old Town, water taxis, relaxing day
Old Town and views. Wow.

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