Solving a Mystery In My Devon Ancestry

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May 1st 2019
Published: June 2nd 2019
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This is a story of my maternal ancestors. Prior to visiting Devon the first week of May 2019, I had populated my maternal ancestry family tree back to 1103 and then to 240 AD (see prior blog at Planning my Ancestral Investigations in Devon).

According to "The Baronetage of England" in that year, "Galfridus (Latin for Geoffrey) Miles (Knight) had his seat at Northcote, in the parish of East Down in Devonshire (north of Barnstable, Devon), and that John Fritz-Galfrid (Fritz meaning the son of) held divers lands there, and in the hundreds (a subdivision of a shire which had its own court) of Witheridge, North Tauton, Black Torrington, etc. He changed his name to John Northcote. Galfrid de Northcote (John's son) lived in 1188, and held lands in Colstan, in the Witheridge hundred." According to the family history written by my grandfather in 1978, based upon the family tree provided by a genealogist in the 1960s, Geoffrey came from Normandy to Devonshire in the town of Northcote. He became known as Galfridus de Northcote. Geoffrey is my 27 times great grandfather.

Geoffrey de Northcote was named after Geoffrey de Montbray, a knight who was consecrated as Bishop of Coustance by Mauger le Ponz, Archbishop of Rouen. Mauger was his grandfather and my 29th great grandfather, and also Linda's 29th great grandfather who married Basilia St. Claire de Bassenville, from whom her Sinclair ancestors descended. Mauger's father was Richard II "The Good," Duke of Normandy, who was William the Conqueror's grandfather through Mauger's brother, Robert II "The Magnificent," Duke of Normandy.

Geoffrey, Bishop of Coustance, was a close friend and confidant of William the Conqueror. He fought in the Battle of Hastings and put down subsequent Anglo Saxon rebellions from London to Winchester while William the Conqueror was moping up rebellions to the north. At William the Conqueror's coronation, Geoffrey presented the new Anglo-Saxon subjects to swear fealty to their new English king. When William was away in Normandy, which was most of the time, Geoffrey governed England in his stead. As a reward William granted him vast lands in twelve shires, including Devon. Geoffrey de Northcote was in turn given the lands listed above with Geoffrey, Bishop of Coustance becoming his liege lord.

For more about ancestors prior to Richard II "The Good" see my update to this blog below.

One note about the family name. The spellings were phonetic so varied considerably according to what the registrar heard. Northcote is interchangeable with Northcott and many other variations...kind of like names recorded for immigrants arriving at Ellis Island. Furthermore, last names were not considered a family name, but a description...either where the person was from, what his trade was, or his position, etc. It wasn't until 1390 with the imposition of the Poll Tax, which was to be paid by every person, that last names came into use to ensure that everyone had a unique name. Very few individuals had a middle name. The Herald Visitation document from 1620 that confirms the coat of arms and claim to aristocracy for the family uses Northcote, Northcott, and Norcote for male descendant in the family tree.

My family tree was missing some important dates for baptisms (which would confirm the names of the parents), marriages (confirm the names of the spouses), and burials. I started my research at the Devon Heritage Center in Exeter, where Rachel was very helpful in providing historical genealogical documents. It turns out that the Parish Registry documents prior to 1702 for several of the parishes where my ancestors were baptized, married, and buried were destroyed. However, some annual Bishop Transcripts recording these events were available so I spent several hours reviewing these documents and confirming what entries I could in my family tree.

This story follows my ancestors as they migrated from East Down southeast towards Exeter. I visited East Down and the church built in Galfridus' time. It looked more like a fortress with tiny stain glass windows. Nothing is left of the original manor. At the Northcote Manor, where I stayed, only the foundations of a monastery that was converted to a manor remains.

Other than the names of the descendants and their wives, many of whom were the heiresses of large estates of ancient Norman families, not much is known until it was recorded that John Northcott was born in Crediton in 1426 to John Northcott and Isota Medford. He married Johanna Luttrell whose family owned Dunster Castle, on the north coast of Devon. For the next six generations, until John Northcott's birth in Crediton on 27 May 1570, the Northcotts lived in Crediton. They were rich wool merchants. This John was the eighth descendant of Galfridus named John, which complicated my research somewhat making sure I was attaching genealogical data to the correct John.

So my in depth search for details about my ancestors began in Crediton. I had contacted Penny and Bill at the Holy Cross church to arrange a meeting where I hoped I could learn more. Bill and Penny showed me the stain glass window with the Northcott coat of arms, and a map of the city in the late 1500's showing what properties the family owned (Note the family name is spelled Norcote). I learned that several ancestors were governors of the church. Bill took me to the governors' chambers, where my ancestors walked and talked. He showed me a Roundhead uniform and other artifacts from the English Civil War. I toured the cemetery, but as with all other churches, no grave stones are older than the 1800's and the information was illegible. I then walked to one of the lots owned four centuries ago by my ancestors.

The next town, which became the ancestral home of the Northcotts, was Newton St. Cyres. No one was available to give me a tour of the St. Cyres and St Juliette church, but Brian, the church historian, provided me with a copy of the family history he had written with a description of all the memorials to the family contained in this small church. The most impressive memorial erected in 1637 is the statute of John, the High Sheriff of Devon with his first wife, Elizabeth Rouse, who only had one son Anthony, and his second wife Susanna Pollard, who had eighteen children. The most prominent son was John, who King Charles made the first Baronet of Hayne in 1641 in return for providing funds, men and horses to quell an uprising in Ireland. Ironically, John would side with Cromwell's Roundheads during the English Civil War, and would command a regiment. He was also a member of Parliament. For more details, just Google John Northcote, First Baronet of Hayne. John married Lady Grace Halswell of Wells, which I visited at the end of my time in Devon. They had eleven children. John's eldest son Arthur, in accordance with the laws of primogenitor, would inherit the title and estates.

This is where the story gets mysterious. Arthur had two wives, Elizabeth Welsh, with whom he had three children, John, Arthur, and Elizabeth who died in childhood. His second wife was Elizabeth Godolphin, a prominent aristocratic family...her youngest brother was Sydney Godolphin, First Lord of the Treasury under Queen Anne. He raised the money for John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, to fight the wars against King Louis XIV of France. See the movie "The Favorite" for an introduction to these historical figures.

In order to marry the second Elizabeth he had to get rid of his first wife. I learned at the Devon Heritage Center that Elizabeth Welsh was sent to Chagford where she died in 1553 at the age of 24. She left behind her two young sons, John and Arthur (incorrectly identified in Wikipedia as being sons of Elizabeth Godolphin), who would be next in line to inherit the title and estates. Up to this point I had wondered how the Northcotts ended up in Chagford with my six time great grandfather Mark, having been born there, and several generations living there. It appears that Sir Arthur had no interest in these sons, who were then cared for my their grandfather Sir John who left 4,000 pounds to his grandson John.

Meanwhile Sir Arthur married Elizabeth Godolphin and moved to King Nympton, well away from the family seat in Newton St Cyres, to an estate purchased from the Pollard family who were having financial difficulties having been on the wrong side during the English Civil War. Sir Arthur kept the 4000 pounds intended for his son John, which was only redeemed years later when his son's widow Alice Leigh, who by then had married William Northcote, Sir Arthur's youngest brother, successfully sued Sir Arthur's widow Elizabeth Godolphin, now her mother-in-law, in the House of Lords. It appears that Sir Arthur may have been merciless in his conduct of public affairs. He signed the violent order against Non-conformists (all religious sects other than the Church of England) at the time of the Rye House Plot (to kill King Charles II) of 1683. Sir Arthur is not memorialized in the family church in Newton St Cyres, although both sons John and Arthur are.

As mentioned, John married Alice Leigh and Arthur married Margaret Gay, the granddaughter of the mayor of Barnstable. I was most interested in confirming that Arthur and Margaret were the parents of my direct ancestor Marke Northcott. Several on line family trees establish this connection, but the official genealogies state that John and Arthur died without issue. I have the registration for Marke's marriage to Jane Hannar, a commoner, the baptismal records of his children, and his burial, but mysteriously there is no record of Marke's baptism, even to different parents, which would have confirmed his parentage. Also mysteriously, his mother Margaret Gay died in August 1679, his uncle John died on 1 January 1680, and father Arthur died on 26 January 1680, before the death of their father Sir Arthur. While it is possible that Margaret died in childbirth with Marke, it is highly improbable that all three would die within six months given that there was no widespread epidemic at this time. Given the foregoing information about Sir Arthur I suspect that he had something to do with these deaths which eliminated the sons of Elizabeth Welsh from inheriting the titles and estates, which would now go to his sons with Elizabeth Godolphin.. My hypothesis is that all baptismal records of John and Arthur's progeny, including Marke, were expunged by Sir Arthur. (Note: Subsequent to my visit, My Heritage confirmed that Marke Northcott's parents were Arthur Northcote and Margaret Gay.)

So it appears that the family tree splits at this point, with Mark's descendants living in Chagford, then Lympstone, before my three times great grandfather Thomas, who was a fisherman, moved to Carbonear, Newfoundland in about 1813.

I visited Chagford, where Marke Northcott was born. The church records did not go back as far as 1679 and there were no gravestones predating 1800. The church is where the murder of a bride Mary Whiddon inspired Richard Backmore to write the novel "Lorna Doone" in 1869. Lorne Doone was shot by Carver Doone as she married John Ridd. Fortunately, she survived. This was one of my favorite books when I was in middle school. I named my cat Lorna Doone, and have since had to explain many times that I didn't name her after the cookies. The hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers" was also written here. I had lunch at the Three Crowns, where a different Sydney Godolphin was cut down in a fight with Roundheads during the English Civil War. I also visited Lympstone to see where Thomas sailed from.

At the other branch, Sir Arthur's son Francis became Third Baronet of Hayne, but died without issue; thus son Henry became the Fourth Baronet of Hayne. Sir Henry the Fifth Baronet of Hayne married Bridget Stafford, heiress to the vast Stafford estates, and moved the family seat to the Stafford's Pyne Manor in Upton Pyne. One condition of the marriage to this prominent family was that the eldest sons would include Stafford in their name. The most prominent descendant in this line was Sir Henry Stafford Northcote, Eighth Baronet of Hayne who was made First Earl of Iddesleigh by Queen Victoria. Again, Google search his name to read about all his accomplishments. The present Fifth Earl of Iddesleigh, Sir John Stafford Northcote lives in Upton Pyne, but not at the manor which was sold by his father...the aristocracy was greatly impacted by death taxes. He owns a 2500 acre farm.

I visited Pyne Manor, presently wedding venue, and was given a tour by its present owner. Then I visited the church where many of the descendants of this branch of the tree are buried. I was given a tour of the church and graveyard by Veronica, the Warden. After the tour, I invited her for lunch at the local pub, the Beer Engine. It so happens that Sir John likes to have a pint at this pub at the end of each day. Recently he married the bar maid. I wonder if it was the beer or the maid that drew him to this pub. Veronica then invited me to tea at her home. After tea, I decided not to wait for the three or so hours to see if I might meet Sir John at the pub.

After leaving Devon I continued my vacation in the Cotswolds and Kent, the subject of my next blog. In Canterbury I ran across some distant relatives. I finished my research at the British Library in London where I saw the original Heraldry documents with the family coat of arms and family tree that confirmed that the family were aristocrats.

My helpers in Devon were the most wonderful, helpful, hospitable people that I would ever wish to meet. They made my ancestry research memorable as they fleshed out the names with stories. Thank you so much.

Update on 15 April 2020. I just heard from a distant cousin that we are both related to Sir Arthur Northcote and his ancestors. Her last name is Northcutt, another version of Northcote/Northcott). She had more details on Galfridus's bloodline. He was the son of Walter le Ponz, a knight who accompanied William the Conqueror to England, grandson of Mauger Le Ponz, Archbishop of Rouen, and great grandson of Richard "The Good" 4th Duke of Normandy. He was grandnephew of William the Conqueror. From there I was able to trace his ancestors back to Rollo "The Viking" Rogenvaldsson, 1st Duke of Normandy to whom the French king gave the lands of Normandy. Rollo "The Viking" participated in the attack on Bayeux, Normandy in 890 after being banished to the Orkney Islands in 876. Rollo descended from three Earls of North Trondelag, Norway and four Kings of Vestfold, Norway. The first of these kings came from Sweden (which somewhat explains my 7% Swedish DNA match), and were descendants of 19 kings of the Yngling dynasty, as recounted in the Yngling Saga, which goes all the way back to 240 AD. Yngling means descendants of Freyr, a Norsk God who was likely immortal, and his wife Gerd, the daughter of a giant. Beowulf also features in this saga. This line goes back 60 generations and 1760 years!

Interestingly, Mauger le Ponz was married to Basilia St. Claire de Bassenville, from whom descends the Sinclair family of Scotland, who are all in Linda's bloodline. So, we both share the same bloodline from Mauger all the way up to Freyr.

Additional photos below
Photos: 39, Displayed: 32


2nd June 2019

Great to see your on-going and quality blogs Bob! Keep enjoying the journey! We will be back at it later this year, after a fair gap. Too many other platforms I guess. Greg and Catherine
2nd June 2019

Godolphin Stables
The name "Godolphin" in your ancestry caught my eye - I've heard of Godolphin Stables, a very successful horse training and breeding facility for thoroughbreds. I don't know if you are related to Sydney Godolphin, appointed Commissioner of the Treasury in 1684. As good as Sydney was with finances, he also fancied horse racing.He is given credit for starting horse breeding in Newmarket Suffolk. Today the Godolphin Stables are owned by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, and is located in Newmarket. There is an interesting history of the stables at
2nd June 2019

Godolphin Stables
Sir Sydney Godolphin was the brother in law of my eight times great grandfather. Thanks for the information.
2nd June 2019

Thanks so much for sharing. Your journey into your family’s past is most interesting.
2nd June 2019

Fascinating read
What a journey you have had and obviously several mysteries unfloded for you.Are you on Ancestry for your family tree?We visited a small village called KIngswood 3 years ago to trace my English side and got back to around 1600.It was very interesting to see where more recent relatives lived in the mid 1800's as the row of houses are still there and being lived in.My g g grandfather emigrated to New Zealand after marrying in London before they left.He was one of 9 children and the only one to emigrate.The family were weavers and mill workers.Did you uncover any monet stashed away for the first surviving relative to claim?We plan to be back in the UK and Ireland next year for more research centred arounf my Irish and Scottish heritage.
2nd June 2019

Yes, my family tree is on under the Carlsen name.
3rd June 2019

Digging for the Roots
A fantastic voyage to uncover family roots. It gives a perspective on how far your family has come. When we were in Switzerland we discovered several spellings of Dave's name. As you said things were done differently back in the day. Glad you are watching Downton Abbey... we binge watched that recently. We thought we were the only ones who had not seen it.
9th June 2019

A very interesting read, and well done indeed on having been able to find out so much about your ancestry and ancestors. The parts of Devon you were in seem so English and lovely! It must have been an amazing experience walking the old stomping grounds of your ancestors.
9th June 2019

I did a lot of research before the trip, and then made the contacts at the various churches, to make this such a fascinating journey of discovery. Thanks for your comment!
7th April 2020

Galfridus was my 26th GG Father...
7th April 2020

and my 27th great grandfather. That's very interesting! Did any of my family tree mentioned in my blog intersect with yours further on down the line? Do you have a family tree on Where do you live?
30th October 2020

Husband's family
I found your blog very informative, I have been researching my husband's tree for years, he is descended from the Furse family of Dolton Devon. He is descended from the Northcotes through Honor Northcote 1558-1641 a daughter of John II & Elizabeth Downish. I loved seeing your photos,it is impossible for us to visit all connected places, his tree is enormous.
30th October 2020

Husband's family...
Honor Northcote is my 11th great aunt. I have her, her husband John, and their 3 children Elizabeth, Thomas and Ann Furse in my family tree, which is also very large. It got so large (over 10,000) that I recently deleted almost everyone who was not in my or my wife's bloodline or a brother or sister of someone in our bloodline. The reason I did so was that it took me over a month to review all the hints provided by Ancestry, and this was without adding the supporting documentation to each individual...I just checked to be sure that the documents were supportive. My wife and my bloodlines intersect in many places. With help of a distant Northcote/Northcott/Northcutt cousin, Dina Northcutt (a descendant of Sir John Northcote's grandson John who moved to the British colony of Virginia and then Kentucky). I was able to track the Northcote ancestry from Sir Galfridus Fitzwalter de Northcote to his father, Walter le Ponz, to Mauger le Ponz, Archbishop of Rouen, to Richard II "The Good" 3rd Duke of Normandy, to Richard I "The Fearless" 2nd Duke of Normandy, to William I "Longsword" 1st Duke of Normandy, to Rollo "the Viking" who was given Normandy by the French King in return for keeping other Vikings from attacking Paris, to several Jarls and Kings of Norway, who themselves were descendants of the Yngling Kings of Sweden, whose lineage is traced back in the Yngling Saga to King Fjolnir who was born in 240 AD from the Norse God Freyr and the Giantess Gerd. our 59th great grandparents according to the myths! It was great hearing from you!
25th December 2020

Husband's family...
a further response. I also had too many ancestors in my tree so pared them down by paring down to just the pedigree plus brothers and sisters (aunts and uncles). I still have about 10,000. As far as travel is concerned I've targeted the direct Northcote line, and now my wife's Scottish ancestry with a trip planned there in June. Perhaps in 2022 we might visit some villages in Poland and Slovakia from where her great grandparents immigrated.
6th December 2020

What an amazing read this was! Thank you
25th December 2020

Thanks for reading my blog and finding it "incredible." I love researching ancestors, and recently took a very deep dive into my wife's ancestors in Scotland.
24th December 2020

Hello Bob, I came across your fascinating blog recently. I have been researching my maternal grandmother's tree. She was born Florence Northcote in 1887 in Birmingham England. Her father was was William Henry Northcote who ran a pub in Birmingham called The French Horn'. His father was Edwin John Northcote was was a Customs House Officer in Plymouth Devon, he moved to Birmingham in the 1850's, where work was plentiful. This was as much as I could discover at the time and I concentrated on other family trees. Returning to the Northcotes last year I found via Ancestry.Com the links to other trees tracing our Northcote's back to John Nothcote and Isota Metford., which means we are very distantly related! Its a fascinating story and feels good to have such a distinguished heritage! I'm hoping to visit some of the sights in Devon next year, its strange to think we have holidayed in Devon so many times, unaware that my ancestors belonged there. Best wishes Jean Cresswell, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham UK
25th December 2020

I've responded to your email address. You should also read my next blog where I research the Northcote pedigree in the British Library where I got a library card!
4th January 2021

Northcote Ancestry
My GG grandmother was Susanna Northcote of Morchard Bishop, Devon. I have traced her line back as far as Roger Northcote of Lapford but have only been able to guess who his father was. Possibly a John Northcote of Crediton whose father was Philip Northcote of Crediton who married Julyan Tresillian. All of this is supposition, but I am pretty sure I have correctly identified Roger Northcote. As you mention in your interesting blog, the surname changed so much. My ancestor, Susanna travelled to London in the 1840's after the death of her schoolteacher father, Henry Northcote and died in poverty. Ironically, her eldest brother, Henry born in 1812 went off to Cambridge Uni and became a Barrister practicing in London. He moved back to Crediton after death of his first wife and had a house build there called Oakfield House. He was also on the Board of Trustees in Crediton and was buried in the churchyard there with his second wife Elizabeth. His daughter, Frances married 3 times and finally became Lady Barnwell Best. So while Frances lived a life of luxury, her Aunt (my ancestor) lived in Drury Lane at the worst possible time of disease. However, her descendents survived and lived to research! Good luck with your research.
5th January 2021

Northcote Ancestry...
Thanks for sharing your Northcote ancestry. In my view, everyone whose last name is Northcote/Northcott/Northcutt or any other variation must have descended from Galfridus de Northcote. There are many paths one could take over the 900 years since 1073 AD and you have identified another. I'm sorry to hear that your GG grandmother got the short end of the stick so to speak. I thought families would take care of each other, or at least keep them out of poverty.
5th January 2021

Northcote Ancestry...
I was able to look up your ancestors on my family tree. Philip Northcote and Julian Kearne de Tresilian were my 11th great uncle/aunt. My tree indicates that their parents and on up the chain were: Walter Northcote of Crediton and Elizabeth Hill John Northcote of Uton Crediton and Alice Durke John Northcote and Joan Passimere Walter Northcote and Alice Mamhead John Northcote and Johanna Luttrell John Northcote and Isota Medford Walter de Northcote and Elizabeth Hawksworthy John de Northcote and Isolda Sutton John de Northcote and Margery de Buckington John de Northcote and Joan de Moels William de Northcote and Matilda de Hillion Andrew de Northcote and Matilda Faber William de Northcote and Margarita de Afeton Geoffrey de Northcote John FritzGaulfrid Sir Galfridus (Geoffrey) FitzWalter de Northcote I cannot find a Roger in this chain, which is well documented. You can read my comments to others here as to the ancestry above Galfridus...all the way past the Dukes of Normandy to the Earls and Kings of Norway and Sweden to 240 AD where King Fjolnir of Uppsala was born to the Norse god Freyr and the Giantess Gerd. I hope this helps!
5th January 2021

Northcote Ancestry...
I just checked the chain going down from Philip and found that he had a grandson Roger (1623-1696) from Lapford and moved to Morchard Bishop who married Johan Ricord, a great grandson named Roger (1649-1690) from Morchard Bishop who married Francis Gater, a 2nd great grandson Roger (1678-1761) also from Morchard Bishop who married Francis Radford, and a 3rd great grandson Roger (1713-1742) also from Morchard Bishop, Devon. That's as far down this chain I went as they were not in my pedigree. Which Roger is your most recent ancestor? Once you make this connection, you can go all the way up the tree!
3rd May 2022

Northcott Southcombe
Thank you so much Bob Carlson for your interesting, informative ancestry. My 6th great grandmother Rebecca Northcott was born in Hatherleigh, Devon, in 1695. Her grandson John Northcott Southcombe was born in Hatherleigh, Devon (my 4th grandfather). Rebecca’s father was John Northcott, and her mother was Elizabeth Colridge. They were married at St Petrock, Exeter, Devon, in 1692. Rebecca’s 4th great grandmother was Julyan Kearne of Tresillian, whose husband was Philip Northcott (my 11th great grandparents) I am still not sure I am on the right track tracing back to Phillip Northcott, who is on my direct bloodline. I hope you can help me trace back as I find it hard with too many “John Northcott”! Keep posting, Bob! ?
3rd May 2022

Northcott Ancestry
Julyan Kearne of Tresillian and Philip Northcott were my 11th great aunt and uncle. My 11th great grandfather John Northcott, was Phillip's brother. I have not traced Phillips tree is already too large at 11,000 ancestors! But our 12th great grandparents are Walter Northcott and Elizabeth Hill. I've traced their pedigree back to Sir Galfridus FitzWalter de Northcote the progenitor of the Northcote/Northcott name, and beyond to the Dukes of Normandy, and the kings of Norway, Sweden and Denmark to King Fjolnir (240-300 AD), the progenitor of the Yngling dynasty. You can also trace our ancestors by going to GoogleBooks and searching for Devonshire Wills, starting on page 441. Galfridus was the son of Walter le Ponz, the son of Mauger le Ponz, Archbishop of Rouen, the son of Richard, 4th Duke of Normandy, descended from the 1st duke, Rollo "The Viking." The do a Google search for Rollo and select the link. This will take you all the way back to King Fjolnir. I hope this helps!
4th May 2022

Northcott Southcombe
Thank you for getting back to me. Wow, that's wonderful to know that Phillip Northcott was your 11th great grandfather’s brother. I have Walter Northcott and Elizabeth Hill in my ancestry...yep, our 12th great grandparents! Thank you for your suggestion to Google, these people. I am amazed with new discoveries!! It would be great if you're able to trace Phillip’s descendants during your spare would be greatly appreciated. As I still have issues tracing too many Johns Northcott, haha! My 6th great grandmother was Rebecca Northcott 1695-1742, whose father was John Northcott 1667-. He was married to Elizabeth Colridge. John’s parents were John Northcott and Gertrude Gartrod. I think he was born in 1643 in Devon, England. However, I struggle to locate his biological parents - John Northcott 1624-1671 and Johane Bawden 1624-1701 OR Arthur Northcott 1628-1688 and Elizabeth Godolphin 1635-1707. From Northcott to Southcombe to Honeychurch to Jewell to this current generation Hocking. ?
5th May 2022

Northcott Ancestry
Sir Arthur Northcote, 2nd Baronet of Hayne, and Elizabeth Godolphin's only children were Elizabeth Northcote; Sir Francis Northcote, 3rd Baronet of Hayne; Sir Henry Northcote, 4th Baronet of Hayne; Suzanna Northcote; Dorothy Northcote; Penelope Northcote; and Charles Northcote. Since we are distant cousins, can I ask if you are you located in the UK? I'm from Colorado USA.
5th May 2022

Phillip's descendants...
were: John Northcote (1589-?); Elizabeth Northcote (?-?); Walter Northcote (?-?); Bridget Northcote (1593-?); and Phillip Northcote (1591-?).
28th August 2023

Hello distant cousin! I enjoyed reading your blog about your connection with the Northcotes. Our common ancestor is Arthur Northcote. I am descended from his marriage to Elizabeth Godolphin and later through the Stafford/Northcote connection. Fascinating stuff!
29th August 2023

And hello back to you!!!
I hope you have a chance to visit Devon as I did in the steps of our ancestors!

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