Day 15: Shopping and extreme weather in Alleppey

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April 20th 2019
Published: April 20th 2019
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Chloe, Lucas and Dad got up for an early morning swim in the pool this morning and enjoyed it before there was anyone else around. So we all ended up having an early breakfast before settling in for a day of leisure. It was another stinking hot day and we were all sweltering by 10am, so desperately trying to find shade by the pool or in the house.

Mum still wasn't feeling 100% and so was taking it easy and we all spent much of the morning and early afternoon reading, playing spite and malice or swimming. We had lunch at the hotel and before we knew it, it was mid-afternoon. The ducks were back at the house and chased dad for a bit which was funny before we went to the market with Anoop.

The mission was to find some presents to take back to the UK. Ultimately we were successful but we went to quite a few places before we found the right thing. We also met up with our tour organiser Sujit who wanted to pop buy and check we had had an enjoyable trip. We let him know the Kalypso Travel will be our first port of call for any future trips to India or Sri Lanka. Our reflection has been that it is so much better having a guide than doing it yourself. The stress that it takes out of travel, particularly with young kids, is immeasurable. Not having to wake up every morning and think about what we are going to do and where we are going to go has been meant that we can focus on enjoying every moment. Not having to work out transport has been a huge weight of everyone. And having someone like Anoop who has known when to be around, when to stand back, has made it so much easier. We have really enjoyed him sharing his knowledge but also being a friend to all of us, particularly Chloe and Lucas who have got on really well with him. We might have changed little bits here and there but on the whole it has been a brilliant trip and one in which we have all been able to switch off from life and burdens at home and really enjoy a different culture. Its been brilliant.

Sadly its coming to an end but we have a memory forever, and one which we will always remember fondly.

Anyway, we got back home and the heavens opened- proper monsoon weather, lightning and thunder, torrential rain...but still warm...quite exciting really.

Tomorrow is Easter day and we're looking forward to treating ourselves.

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28th November 2019

Clearly Explained about Shopping and Weather
Your blog is excellent and clearly clearly explained about Shopping and Weather in Alleppey. Your content creates interest among the human heart so that they can see and go though it. Thanks again...

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