Day 11: Alleppey and the Houseboat

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April 16th 2019
Published: April 18th 2019
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Periyar to Alleppey

Time to leave Forest Canopy...very sad. It has been a really fabulous hotel, looking after everyone really well especially at meal times where the appetites have varied enormously. So it was an early start, and they opened up early for a special breakfast for us and then we were off. Bit of a trek in the A team bus this time round, it was about a 5 hour journey. We were better prepared this time round though, Mum, Phoebe and Chloe all took travel sickness pills and they were ready to go to sleep the moment they sat down! There were no 'accidents' on the way down to sea level therefore and everyone felt relatively fresh still when we got there. Anoop even managed to get some rubber bands for Phoebe's braces on the way down which was amazing - as she lost them early on in the holiday....

On arrival in Alleppey, we were greeted by the houseboat owner, and walked along some alleys to find the backwaters that held our home for the next 24 hours! The boat was a monster, 2 double bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms and a kitchen at the back, with a covered sitting room at the front of the boat. By the time were on board and had been presented with our juniper flower necklaces it was around 1pm and the heat was sweltering. We cast off as quickly as possible to get the wind into the boat and turned the fans on.

This is what Kerala is known for and we weren't let down, there were plenty of riverboats on the water and lots of waving and hailing back and forth. The views were sensational of the shoreline and water wildlife. It was an opportunity to just sit back and soak it all in whilst being very well looked after by the onboard support team. Lunch came pretty quickly after cast off and we were treated to some fried fish, dahl, vegetable curry, rice and poppadum's. Whilst Chloe wasn't a fan, everyone else tucked in with gusto! After lunch we lazed through the afternoon watching the wildlife, reading books and, in Chloes case, waving at every single person within sight!

Eventually, we found a place to moor for the night and we all got off to stretch our legs through the local village that we had stopped off at. When we got back, they had set up the place for dinner and put the mosquito nets down. Dinner was a meal of chicken curry, dahl, chapati, rice and lots more, so, once again we left the table hardly able to move!! After some games of Uno and Rummy we headed to bed.....

There was a slight problem with the air conditioning in the bedrooms with only one bedroom working at a time at the beginning of the evening but this eventually got sorted and we had our first night as a family on the water!

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27th March 2020

Thank you for sharing your travel experience. Recently we spend one day in Bethlahem homestay near Munnar. This is one of the best homestay and full worth for money.

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