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November 11th 2006
Published: November 11th 2006
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After re-reading the last entry, (the one about the vegi festival) and reading the many puzzled emails and comments i have realised that i didn't really explain anything about the festival other than that the guys poked stuff therough their chops!
So now i will try and relay what little i know about it to you!

The festival is a taoist one. The taoist religion is from china and as far as i am aware that is still were most of the followers reside. There are sizable chinese communitys throughout thailand who celebrate the vegetarian festival but it is only in Phuket and one or two other places do they celebrate it in this way, not even in china do they celebrate it like this. It is thought that the Chinese people in thailand picked up this custom from a travelling malaysian circus!
But i dont think that anyone really knows for certain.
I have been told a few different reasons as to why they do it but im not really sure which is correct, but all were along the lines of punishing themselves in order to absolve the sins of themselves and others.
if anybody knows differently please let me know!


18th November 2006

Gaz, we'll all know that thats a front for "I forced them to do it!"....only jokin, very informative..... like a young, hairy, david attenborough!

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