Getting Ready for Europe

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June 29th 2018
Published: June 29th 2018
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Klingfurth Klingfurth Klingfurth

Looks so pretty
Last year I was silly/brave enough to welcome a stranger, from Austria, into my house for 6 months. Fortunately that stranger turned out to be the most wonderful young lady and she was a blessing to me during a really tough time with my mum and a scary health issue. Hannah was such a sweetheart and I grew to love her and was very proud to call her my "pretend daughter" to everyone.

Well my pretend daughter decided to leave me in March and fly home to her real family and I miss her a lot, so I decided to be an annoying parent and invite myself over to visit with her in beautiful Klingfurth Austria! I am very grateful for the wonderful cyber friendship I have made with Hannah's mum, Petra, and I sure do hope that the family like me and my crazy ways while I am there (otherwise it will be a L-O-N-G 3 weeks for everybody hahaha). I also appreciate that the family is welcoming me into their home while I visit Austria

Hannah, Maggie and Petra have planned some wonderful adventures for me while I am there so now all we have to do is order up some sunny weather!

A busy weekend is ahead of me getting everything organised and then it's "Bis Spater" when I fly out on Tuesday at 10AM. Try not to miss me too much Noel. Next time you have to come too!

Never fear.... I will return.

Love to everyone.



2nd July 2018

Hi Margaret, Have a wonderful trip & say hello to Hannah from me. Also to Maggie even though I only met her briefly. Looking forward to hearing all about your latest adventure. You should write a book, because you have a
a wonderful way with words. Travel safe. Lots of love Jan A.

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