The greatest day...eva!

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November 9th 2006
Published: November 9th 2006
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As you can see by the title of this entry, today is the best day...EVER!
ok, so maybe I am slightly exaggerating but its pretty good anyway!

Unbelievably, I have been in Bundaberg two weeks on Sunday. Can't believe I was concerned about not getting work because since I have arrived this is the first day that I have had off! Arrived last Sun and started work on Monday. Not a v productive day as was picking cherry tomatoes by the bucket - meaning I was getting paid by what I picked. Worked for eleven hours and got paid...wait for it....$60! wohooo! Not a big money maker!
Day two I was moved on to hourly work - meaning I get paid by the hour - thank the lord! Am picking normal sized tomatoes on a large tractor type maching which you either sit on, or walk behind picking up the missed ones. There is a lot of bending down and its probabaly the most physical job I have ever had. The first two days were horrible and thought I would never last but have just done eight days staight without a day off so am getting used to it. Thats eight days of getting up at 4.30am and picking for ten hours a day, most of the time being hunched over and getting very muddy. The only reason am not working today is cause it rained for 12 hours last night and the ground is saturated. Usually we work in the rain but not possibble today. They have a stand by system at the hostel so if you are not working you are on standby- you can be called to work with ten mins notice. Because of the large number of people on standby there is a chance that if you ask for a day off you won't get put back on the same job so if it had not rained today there is a change I would not have got a day off in the forseeable future! In addition, there is a v real possibility of getting sacked at any moment for numerous reasons, not picking enough, not picking with both hands etc which also keeps you on your toes. Why do I continue?? may be asking youself! Well, have asked myself the same question many times - esp at 4.30am! But the money is regular and good and if I can work lots between now and xmas I will have plenty of money for over the xmas, and new yr period and for the next leg of the journey - when Katie and I head to Sydney and enough to see me to Melbourne to look for work! Plus - got to do the work for my second visa application. Once its done I may never set on another farm again - or eat another tomatoe for that matter!

On the brighter side, have bought myself an mp3 player which have been using at work and have discovered the wonders of limewire on the internet so putting lots of music on. My old mobile broke so just bought a new one today so back in land of the living. Please feel free to call me!! Although I am officially on my own in Bundy there are TEN people from my hostel in Brisbane here in total. One of the girls and I put our names down for a twin room as they are the same price as the dorm so we are moving in to that today, nice to relax in our own space. There are also some people here from my other hostel in Brisbane which is all a coincidence!
The best news of all though is that the local pub does beer for $5 a jug on Thurs nights so will be taking advantage of that this evening and trying to forget that I have to get up in the middle of the night the tomorrow!

Will be in Bundy till just before xmas now so may have nothing exiting to write but please keep in touch and send me news from the outside world!

*If any one would like to see some photos they are now on - just register and search for me and there are some pics on there*

Going to play with my MP3 now! :-)


29th December 2006

Hey Karen!
Hey sweetie! How are you? Happy Christmas! I pressume you're back in Brissie now avoiding tomatoes like the plague! Hope you and Katie had a nice day and have something wicked planned for sunday night! I'm only in England for another two weeks before i'll be back in Oz. Can't wait! It's been nice being home, but all the English things i missed don't make it worth it! I got my phones stolen in London when i got back so don't have ur mobile number anymore! Vodafone are going to send me a replacement sim card, so my number should be the same but anyway! My email add is Hope to hear from u soon! Say hi to Katie for me and i'll see you in Melbourne (pressuming of course you're still heading that way??) Love Emma xxx

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