Hello Melbourne

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January 17th 2018
Published: January 17th 2018
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After another sleepless flight, we finally arrived in Melbourne on Friday morning. However, our backpacks missed the transfer and were still in Singapore. On the bright side, we didn't have to carry our backpacks to the hostel. Thanks to some nice people, we could go to the ACMI (TV/movie museum) with a clean, borrowed shirt, smelling like borrowed shampoo. Our backpacks were delivered at the hostel on Saturday late in the evening. It was an experience that gave a whole new meaning to backpacking for us and definitely made me value my belongings more.

Melbourne is lovely. There's skyscrapers everywhere but it has beautiful churches too. It's actually this contrast that makes it so pretty.
The night after we got our luggage back, we immediately used that opportunity to dress up fancy (alright I'll admit, fancy-ish since I didn't bring a cocktail dress) and go to a skybar. That proved to be a lucky decision. Since it was Sunday, the Lui bar wasn't too busy and was therefore a bit less strict about their dresscode: we could enter on sneakers! The bar was on the 55th floor so the view was breathtaking, both before and after sunset.
On Monday we walked through the cutest streets with loads of vintage shops and sweet little stores with random items.

Tuesday was a beach day! We tanned a little, got ourselves some sunburns in lovely shapes and ate cheap (GOOD) pizza. But the best of all, we saw penguins. Actual, living penguins. From about a meter away, no fences or glass between us and the penguins. They arrived at the St. Kilda waterbreaker after sunset (which was gorgeous too) to spend the night between the rocks there.

On Wednesday we started by going to the Victoria queen market. We fell in love with some puppies and kittens on the way there, but the market itself wasn't open yet, so that plan “fell into the water” 😉. We decided to head to some actual water and went to the Docklands, where we walked past the water for a while until we ended up at the Australian Open. They had a free festival where we are currently chilling, watching tennis and updating our blogs (fast WiFi, yay!). So I'm off to watch more tennis, have dinner and finally see the Victoria Queen market when it's open!

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17th January 2018

Australian open
Probably so different than Bangkok, right?! Did you see Kiki Bertens playing? I read she's in the 3rd round now. :)
18th January 2018

To be honest I don't remember who I saw playing, my knowledge of tennis players is very limited..
18th January 2018

To be honest I don't remember who I saw playing, my knowledge of tennis players is very limited..

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