Around The World In 800 Internet Cafes

South America
June 6th 2007
Published: June 6th 2007
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Travelling Advice

I am certainly not the most experienced traveller in the World and I couldn't offer you full proof travelling advice but I do have some ideas and principles that you will not find in a book and may be useful during your next journey.

1. If your food budget is running low take the opportunity to visit an 'eat all you like' Restaurant. Take a bag and a supply of napkins with you. Abuse all the healthy food options whilst in the restaurant and any items that will last for a few days should be stored in the napkins and placed in the bag. Outstay your welcome in the restaurant and before you know it, you will have enough food for at least the next three days.

2. A simple but sensible one, send yourself an email with your vital documents and information on it. If everything is stolen there is always an internet cafe near by and no doubt a friendly face who will lend you some change so that you can access your emails.

3. Learn a key word in the local language, so at least you can pretend to speak it. Better still, learn a key phrase and they might thing you are fluent. 'Claro' is a good one to remember in Latin America.

4. Some areas in the World are beautiful, but swarms of insects can make your stay disastrous and unpleasant. The obvious solution is a fly net, unfortunately these are not always available or have been sold out for days. In its place and nearly always available to buy or borrow is a pair of tights. With a few alterations you can produce fly nets for the whole group. Whilst you may have solved the problem, remember what you are wearing as you do look a little strange wondering round somewhere such as Ayres Rock with tights on your head.

5. It is always a bit of a challenge to avoid the pick pockets and bandits in certain areas of the World, in particular when your bus is ambushed. Other than stashing your money in seats and between cushions there is not a lot you can do. I like to wear two pairs of socks, with my spare credit card placed between both socks. This means that when the bad guys ask you to remove your shoes and socks both are void of cash and credit cards and will be returned without a fuss. No doubt this is a very safe procedure but it is not advisable with certain feet.

6. Towels are one luxury that is too big to carry. The alternative is a travel towel which is expensive and nothing more than a chamois leather. For half the price why don't you actually buy a real chamois leather and if you are lucky it will come in a small cylindrical case that can double as the perfect wash bag.

Travel tips by Andrew Liggins (May 2007)

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