Amazon 3.0 -- Vines and Epiphytes

South America » Venezuela
July 17th 2008
Published: July 17th 2008
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Amazon 3.0 - Vines and Epiphytes June 25-July 7 A tropical rainforest rarely allows any plant the space to just grow and be left alone. To a vine a tree trunk is a convenient pathway to sunlight. To an epiphyte a tree branch is a pleasant place to just hangout and wait for water and nutrients to drift or fall your way. Aside from my Spanish-English and Portuguese-English dictionaries and the ... Read Full Entry

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18th July 2008

Amazon Zen moments
Fantastic photos, Kit. How about wildlife? You mentioned macaws in an email. What sounds do you hear and what critters have you seen (monkeys, bats, Harpies?). Yes, such a rough life! Enjoy the moments! Colleen
19th July 2008

I hear more animals than I see
I often hear monkeys. Just before dawn when sleeping in a hammock on the deck of Iguana I hear the river dolphins surfacing to breath (seen them also, photos in a later blog entry). One morning -- most of the night actually -- I heard lots of the birds the Brazilians call a ferreiro (blacksmith) as it makes a rather obnoxious sound like metal being struck on an anvil. I recall hearing one once before in a bird market in Recife and was told ''it sings day and night.''
4th August 2008

Do any of these plants have ethnobotanical qualities?
6th August 2008

Ethnobotanical properties
I've no idea.
15th August 2008

Hello from London
Hi Kit In the middle of packing to go back to Seattle and am enjoying your blog for the first time (Aug 15). What an amazing adventure you are having. Like what you are writing about the reality of exchanging dollars, hotels, eating meals. Best of luck with the rest of the trip. susan

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