Mancora - beautiful beaches

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South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora
May 14th 2007
Published: May 14th 2007
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After the jungle Simon and I went to the airline office and asked where in nrthern Peru we could fly to without having to spend too much! We left Puerto Maldonado the next day and headed first for Lima and then Piura (we got stuck in Cusco on the way to Lima because it was too windy and nearly missed the Piura flight but never mind)! From Piura, where we stayed one night and only one night, we moved on to Mancora which is 3 and a half hours up the coast. Mancora is a great little beach town, which i can imagine in peak season is like hell on earth but during low season it´s amazing! There´s everything a tourist could possibly need including fluffy white sand, cheap accommodation, friendly people and great bars and restaurants. There´s also quite a lot of surf if you know where to look and you can hire surf and body boards pretty cheaply. We had a go one day but i was pretty much completely useless and Simon only managed to stand up twice!! (the waves are apparently hard to catch especially when there´s tons of other great surfers all floating around you... or hurtling towards you)!

We just hung out on the beach for 4 days and caught some rays which was cool. A great deal of chilling and eating was enjoyed and then we headed north to Tumbes and Ecuador and there´s a story which really must be told...


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