Geography and Climate Information for Iquitos Peru

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South America » Peru » Loreto » Iquitos
October 29th 2007
Published: October 29th 2007
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This data for Iquitos Peru is from the NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Research Center.

Latitude: Minus 3.75 degrees south of the equator.

The altitude above sea level is approximately 350 feet.

The Coordinated Universal Time of Peru is UTC-5, the same as Florida and New York, Eastern Standard Time.

The time difference between the longest day and the shortest day is only 18 minutes.

The temperature measured by ° F averaged from 22 years of data per month:

(Jan. 82.09) (Feb. 81.86) (Mar. 82.60) (Apr. 82.06) (May 82.42) (June 82.20)

(July 82.04) (Aug 83.55) (Sept. 85.78) (Oct. 86.59) (Nov. 84.88) (Dec. 82.87)

The average rainfall at the Iquitos Port is 103 inches per year. March and April have slightly more rain on a 10 year average, and July and August have slightly less than average, but contrary to popular belief there is very little difference in month to month precipitation in Iquitos. The water level of the river fluctuates by as much as 40 feet per year, triggered by rainfall and snow melt on the east slopes of the Andes.


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