Blogs from Lima, Lima, Lima, Peru, South America - page 15


South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima August 5th 2010

Well... Two days later here I am in the Capital of Peru. Not suprisingly, I feel a little dazed and sedentary after so long on a bus, and my conception of time feels a little warped. For example, I still am not sure exactly what day of the week it is, but I know the date! Other than that, the journeys went well. It went a little something like this- At the tip of another traveller, I thought if I checked around I might find a airline ticket from Quito to Lima for less than $150 bucks. No such luck. I made the decision that I would go with my idea to just bus-hop, and slowly but surely make my way to Cusco. Instead, I found a pretty good deal on a direct trip to Lima, ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima August 4th 2010

32 hours in transit After a marathon 32 hours after leaving Melbourne, we made it safely to down town Lima and the deluxe hotel, Maury. Sunday night enjoyed James Polly´s burnt sausages and stocked up on potato and egg salad, little sleep as the new colour bond fence was threatening to come through our window thanks to the cyclone blowing outside. We made it to Tullamarine at 5am and started with a smooth short hop to Sydney. Checking in with Air Canada and 14 hours across the pacific to Vancouver with no TV. Thankfully we had a two year old French Canadian girl to keep us amused and Sleepy Steve on the otherside, who managed to sleep for 10 hours straight. Later finding out he was infact born and raised in Bendigo. Feeling the effects in ... read more
Going through gates at Sydney

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima August 3rd 2010

There are these box-like carts all over the streets of Lima that are filled with anything anyone could want...potato chips, gum, Halls cough drops (eaten like candy here), chocolate bars, pop, water and so much more. These kiosks are as common as taxis here. Have a craving for something? A kiosk will not be far off. And in some of these little boxes sit people. People trying to sell what they can to survive. The first time I realized that in some of the smaller kiosks sit people, I was surprised. My hands were hovering over the gum selection when my eyes looked up and met another set of eyes. The solemn face asked me what I needed and handed it to me without any expression. I paid and left, contemplating her job. There seems to ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima August 3rd 2010

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima August 1st 2010

Dit is dus onze nieuwe blog. We zijn veranderd omdat we hier ongelimiteerd foto's op kunnen plaatsen. De foto's zijn ook gelijk toegevoegd. Sorry voor het ongemak. Liefs, Debora en Mathieu ... read more
Ouwe bus
Tour de Lima

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 26th 2010

So here are some of our photos so far from Peru including Lima, Cuzco and the Inca Trail - hope you like them!!!! ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 25th 2010

Well, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to preach today, but I did it. At Marisu's dance performance on Friday (which lasted 5 hours...and for whatever reason was OUTSIDE!) I started feeling really cold (more than normal) and my body was achy. By the time we got home, all I wanted to do was curl up in bed forever. I basically stayed there until this morning, going back and forth from having horrible chills to sweating profusely. This, of course, was the first time I've really sweated here in Lima, haha. Needless to say, I was sick and having to translate a sermon from English to Spanish in a flu-ish haze was no fun, even if google translator was doing the bulk of the work. But I woke up today and felt ... read more
Never without a smile
Separate, separate, separate!
His Sunday entertainment?

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 23rd 2010

I realize I've kinda fallin' off the blogging bandwagon. I'm sorry that it's been two weeks since I've written anything. The entry about my church that I just posted has been in the works for a long time, so it's good to finally get that out there. Perhaps it's productive procrastination? I've always been good at that. Since I still have a sermon to finish, I suddenly find time to catch up on a lot of other things I've been needing to do. Funny how it works that way. Life has been pretty busy lately though. Most days are split between two activities. I'm either in the office, at the seminary, teaching English at a nearby school, or traveling to La Oroya. Up until this week I was only in the office for one full day ... read more
La copa mundial
Pinina has a new trick
A good-bye to remember

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 22nd 2010

The church that I attend here in Lima was founded in the house where I live. Like the strong walls of the family house that surrounded those first members, my Peruvian family (the Barreras) remain a strong foundation for the IEP (Iglesia Evangelica Peruana) church in Mirones Bajo. In 1977, Saul Barrera, the father of Damaris and Deborah and all the other D-named siblings, saw that people from Mirones Bajo were traveling long distances on Sunday mornings to attend the IEP located in another part of Lima. He recognized that this made little sense, when time and money are often hard to come by. So Saul and his wife Herlinda (the dear sweet mother who is still recovering in Brazil), along with three other families, founded what is the church I attend today. For many, many ... read more
Bible Study
Juli and the Sunday School kiddos!

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 15th 2010

As of today, my plans have been solidified for a week long trip to Peru. A dear friend, and my old roommate, Sarah Culter has been living in Peru (Cusco) for just over a year. When she first left for the trip she asked me to come visit her while she was there, and of course I said yes. It is now almost time for her to come back to the states (to get married none the less!) and so my time was short. I called my cousin Kenji, with whom I traveled to Japan several years ago, and asked if he would be interested. After much juggling with schedules, work, and my Master's project, we finally arrived on a set of dates that would work for us. Here is our itinerary so far: Houston - ... read more

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