play the flute under the condor's beak

South America » Peru » Cusco » Ollantaytambo
November 25th 2015
Published: November 24th 2015
Edit Blog Post play the flute under the condor's beak. The clouds brushed the black sky obscuring the stars...the stone jigsaw lined passageways a tad darker tonight...the golden heroine calling us to bay to the Incan peeping moon. "Come with us to the Inca fortress. Roberto is going to play the flute under the condor's beak. Come with us," Mirinda beckons. "But we are off to Machu Picchu at dawn." ... Read Full Entry

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We'll be backWe'll be back
We'll be back

Casa de Wow

24th November 2015

Looks great
Will have to put that hostel on our list when we finally get to Peru. Hope Macha Pichu was all you expected. Look forward to the blog.
25th November 2015

Looks great
Nice to hear from you Kate and Hi to Kris. still think you guys have one of the best blog names on TB. You'd love Peru. I'd dreamed of coming here since I was a kid so hope you don't take as long as it took me to get here.
24th November 2015
Casa de Wow

Fantastic journey! Bringing back lots of memories for me! After learning the meaning of the terra cotta bulls on the rooftops of Ollantaytambo, I painfully carefully brought back a pair of these and they are now bookends in my casa, I loved Olly.
25th November 2015
Casa de Wow

Now you are testing me Andrea! I took the photo but cannot recall if I was told the meaning of the terra cotta bulls on the rooftops of Ollantaytambo. Fantastic bookends! What is the meaning? Please enlighten me.
25th November 2015

Like a beautiful song.
I often sit down in the evenings with a cup of tea and read a few travel blogs... This blog is wonderfully written, colourful and abstract! You really captured some of the more spiritual parts of travel - the inner journey... It was a pleasure to read. Thanks Dave (and Theresa)
25th November 2015

Like a beautiful song.
It's amazing that a serendipitous journey in the dark for two to three hours was such a surreal highlight of our time in Peru. Thanks Dave (and Theresa). Your kind words makes it clear you get it.
25th November 2015

WOW! ...Casa de Wow
Beautifully written David- transported instantly, can hear the wafting call of the flute over the bubbling irrigation channels & the snatches of subdued conversation & smattering of giggles - sigh... magic
25th November 2015

WOW! ...Casa de Wow
We winged it to soar with the condors Denise. Under the condor's beak was pretty close. Casa de Wow certainly lived up to its name...definitely had the Wow!
25th November 2015
Casa de Wow

Pukara Bulls
Well first off, excuse my interpretation of the story as it was told to me by my host family in Spanish, but a long time ago there was this old couple who had tried and tried to have a child, they were so sad that they decided to make one of their calves born into their son, and they raised the calf like a child, feeding and bathing and loving it, just like a son. Until one day, the devil came and said they must sacrifice their calf to him. They refused so the devil threaten to kill all the family. Unknownst to them that night, the little bull broke out of his paddock and went to the lake where the devil lived, and he fought to the death with the devil to save his family, so now placing a pair of Bulls on the roofs is a form of protection and guarantees a son be born into the family for protection, the end.
25th November 2015
Casa de Wow

Pukara Bulls
Wow. I'm glad I asked and super glad your Spanish is streets ahead of mine so you could share the story. Thanks heaps Andrea.
25th November 2015

Kind of...
... makes me want to sip a bit of coca tea and not go to work today. Ahhhh, didn't do a longer trip for a long time now. Great, and yeah, I guess I would've want to come back also -
26th November 2015

Kind of...
Now you're making me not want to go to work either Peter. Then I think if I don't I can't afford to travel to enjoy such great times! Think I'll have a beer and enjoy the memories. I'm with can wait...all this thinking is quite exhausting!
25th November 2015

Gorgeous pups!
I enjoyed reading this blog David, and great photos as usual. Not surprisingly, I'm always drawn to the animal pics :)
26th November 2015

Gorgeous pups!
Gotta agree Ren. It's why the pups weren't on the menu! As usual I've saved the best animal pics for my "Faces of" blog. So when I get around to that I'll think of you.
26th November 2015

You're breaking my heart
Machu Picchu and environs are my most favorite place on earth. It moved me the first time I was there in 2001 and on two trips (2003, 2008). I would go back again in a minute. I can't explain the pull it has on me but I think you summed it up in your beautiful piece. When I read blogs where the writer shrugs and says: what's the big deal? I am mystified. I find the ruins to hold so much sacredness that I am overwhelmed with feeling for the people and the culture which they are holding on to. Thanks for a beautiful blog. Carolyn (gunga in Memphis)
26th November 2015

You're breaking my heart
I'm envious Carolyn. Not jealous though as I don't suffer that emotion. As you have been to Machu Picchu three times...better see if I can transport you there with my next blog I reckon.
27th November 2015

Ollantaytambo looks interesting
Ollantaytambo looks like an interesting place. I guess we might drop by if we ever go back to Peru again. /Ake
27th November 2015

Ollantaytambo looks interesting
We were there at a particular time Ake. It then took us to a different time and place and demanded we return and we did. Not many places can do that.
27th November 2015

Life is a journey
Another wonderful chapter in your journey. We loved our time in Olly and your creative writing brought back cherished memories. Surreal..."we walked back in silence". You'll always have fluted memories my friend. Wonderfully written and photographed.
28th November 2015

Another wonderful chapter in your journey
Olly rules! What a delight to bring back cherished memories to our TB friends by our blogs that bring back such wonderful memories for us. May we share many more of life's journeys both in the ether and in the flesh.
28th November 2015

Great shot!
I love this photo! My Spanish is not great but think ferrocarrill means railway
28th November 2015

Great shot!
Thanks Alan. Always interesting to hear what pics appeal as it is so subjective. I like it 'cause the bent sign contrasts yet balances the colours and lines of the valley and the river. That's taken from the Inca Bridge with the railway line to Machu Picchu following the river. We used to sit on the terraces above that spot watching life go by.
28th November 2015

Reading your blog and looking at your photos has made me more determined to make sure I go to Peru next year!
28th November 2015

I am delighted by this comment Alan. It's what TB is all about. This blog was the most surreal (that's subjective) but the best pics are to come. I think next year Peru has your name written on it!!!
28th November 2015
Casa de Wow

This ones for you!
28th November 2015
Casa de Wow

This ones for you!
Thanks Andrea. I can only imagine what wonderful memories your bookends of Pukara bulls evoke. I picked up an Incan god in silver and polished stones while Denise scored one of the tapesties in this blog that now sits on our dining table. Sometimes you've gotta bring home that little something, 'specially if its got your name on it.
8th December 2015

Can hear the tunes...
...of that flute in my mind, wonderful description. You where right to go back there, I want to go there now after reading this!
8th December 2015

Can hear the tunes...
Glad you tuned in Per-Olof. I reckon Peru should wiggle onto your wish list. This ethereal experience was a pivotal point in the trip that allowed us to follow paths not expected. How good is that?
27th January 2016

If only I'd known
If I'd read this before going to Peru and doing the Inca Trail years ago I would have gone ahead to Olly for a few days and picked up the bus on it's short stop there. Oh well, just an excuse to go back!
27th January 2016

If only I'd known
Ollantaytambo...definitely one of our favourite places in all of Peru. Still night...muted moon...can hear the flute playing now...under the condor's beak. Where were you Jo???

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