Classes en Espanol

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South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco
May 19th 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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Kirsty at Salsa lessons in CuscoKirsty at Salsa lessons in CuscoKirsty at Salsa lessons in Cusco

The teacher was very good!
Having recovered from the inca trail and a very strage bout of the South American flu, we decided to hang around Cusco and take two weeks worth of Spanish Classes. We ended up at the Macchu Picchu Spanish school (I know, I know extremely tacky) in the heart of Cusco, right around the corner from the 12 sided inca stone (which features on the bottles of the local brew - Cusquena). The school also organised dinners for all of the students, salsa classes, cooking classes and movie nights.

We rented an apartment about 10 minutes walk out of town, at the Los Ninos hotel where all of the proceeds from the hotel go to supporting poor kids in the community. The hotel ran a program for 6 days a week and waking up to the pitter patter of little feet was fantastic.

Kirsty was struggling after the first week so had to go into ´special´ private classes. The lessons have paid off though and after two weeks we can actually hold a conversation without having to say´no intiendo which translates to I have no idea, or 'no nintendo´ as some english backpackers we met in Brazil would say!
Chris and Marvin (from the Spanish School)Chris and Marvin (from the Spanish School)Chris and Marvin (from the Spanish School)

The cheap bottle of rum night

Chris and Marvin (from the Spanish School)
The cheap bottle of rum night
The nightlife in Cusco was fantastic. It kicks off about 10.00 or 11.00pm and goes right through until 5 or 6 in the morning nearly every night of the week. The locals really know how to party.

While in Cusco we visited the Pisac market and the local ruins which were amazing. It was sad to say to goodbye to the former inca capital. We met some fantastic people and had a great time at the Spanish School.

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Some of the brilliant colours at the Pisac marketSome of the brilliant colours at the Pisac market
Some of the brilliant colours at the Pisac market

This group was heading into the local church for the morning mass which is done in Quechan (the language of the incas!)

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