18th December, Cuzco

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December 18th 2008
Published: December 21st 2008
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18th December, Cuzco

After my Florence Nightingale act, Jake was right as rain. I was so excited as we had booked my first ever horse ride for the day. We got a taxi to the stables, where a couple of battered old dirty horses greeted us. I was given a white, scrawny, pony looking thing called Trey. Jakes was more of a donkey! I struggled to clamber up on his back whilst Jake nearly crippled his with his weight. Its back legs looked like they were going to give way a few times, with me giggling all the way behind!

Jake´s horse kept poohing and stopping to eat trees. My ´donkey´seemed to be in no hurry and tip-toed along behind. We saw some Inca Runis but after 2 hours the guide cut our horse ride short, which we later complained about and were told we could have the other 2 hours on monday!!

We made our way into town and ended up at a really nice veggie restaurant. We were pleasantly surprised at our jumbo soya burgers.

That afternoon, we visited Santo Domingo, a museum in the city. I didn´t really like it as it was very catholic, with lots of religeous paintings - it turned out to be a church!!

For desert that night, we shared an ice cream which had chocolate fudge, chocolate biscuit, chocolate sauce!!! my favorite!! We headed back to the hostel as we had to be up at 5.20am for our tour guide to see us on to the bus to maccu pichu .


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