the week of ´yes´ s

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South America » Ecuador » West » Puerto López
March 10th 2008
Published: March 10th 2008
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so after a 12 hour bus journey of hell from quito to peurto lopez and the mosquito bites playing up, we eventually arrived into puerto lopez, which where you get into literally looks like a shack town with dirt roacd and motorbikes with seats on the back for taxis!! well we somehow managed to get the bible (lonely planet guide) out and resist the thousands of people who had come up to us offering asll sorts of ´amazing deals´ we managed to get to our hostel which was amazing...the had a great dane called scooby doo as well which made everything so much better!! we had our own little cabaña to ourselves which had a hammock outside it...which we discovered could hold both of us in-fatal..never get drunk in a hammock and try to get out of it quietly!!! its hard i tell you!! so we had a wander around town and chjose a rubbish place for lunch..which turned out to be a disaster when a 2 locals cam to sit down with of which was just staring at my eyes..go away!!!! he spoke english though and so decided that he was heere to stay and that we needed help finding our way around town..seriously latino boys just dont seem to take no for anh answer!!! well eventually we got persuaded (im not sure how !!) to go sea kayaking and we got split up so i was with jose and cara was with robertito..obviously better to have aboy in the kayak-its hard work but also seemed obvious for the boys aswell..especially as we literally got washed up on to this beach because the waves wer so strong and in trying help , and steady cara , roberto went for the obvious choice of things related to balance and grabbed cara boobs!!! the beach thoughwas amazing..even though i lost my glasses in the landing and cara lost her head was completely deserted and really clean!! getting off the beach was much harder but somehow we managed and even managed to get back to shore and even got to see a seahorse floating by !!! the next day we signed up to go on a boat ride to the isla salango where we were taught hpw to fish with nylon lines, although i learnt nothing!! but the fish we caught (i say we..i was not invovled!!) went straight in a ceviche that was freshly made and then were given fresh watermelon after..oh so good!! me and farmer were allowed to sit on the end of the boat like mermaids (maybe walruses!!) and dangle our feet over the side with pelicans and blue footed boobies flying beside us!! amazing... we also got rid of jose that day, firstly due to the fact that he found other girls and also due to the fact that he got the drunk the night before and was insulting the bar man that we were with, saying that we wer lucky coz he was the mayor of the town (he wasnt even from puerto lopez) and that he never lies but the music was rubbish and we wanted it changed..blah blah blah blah etc but he got beaten up (at which time we promptly left!!) and was wearing glasses the next day , with the excuse that he bumped heads with someone ha ha ha ha made our day!!

well off we went to montanita, surfers paradise in ecuador and girl heaven for perving!! although they also seemed to be skinny which upset me and cara a lot but we got cloud bathing down to a tea.. apparently we bring the bad weather!! well montanita is very easy to get stuck in as we found out..its a really chilled out place with an easy vibe..very hippie but a lot of fun and i found the love of my life there.. well i already had a love for columba, after i spoke to loads of people about it and th4e all loved it, the gorgeous guy in buenos aires was columbian and his girlfriend made amazing food, we found a columbian restaurant in peurto lopez that had equally good food and the most delicious frappaccions (with real columbian coffee beans) and well this guy is from sorry dad im running away to columbia (maybe ill work in the british embassy out there do it abit more like im doing something worthwhile...) mum you will love this guy..hes called juan(yes another juan/one..ha ha havent lost my sense of humour since ive been away then!!) he´s columbian, very good looking, makes jewelry, doesnt take coke (suprising for a columbian!!) has gone back to university coz he says you´re never to old to learn (hes 26), he does art, is such a gentlemen, would definitely call mum and dad senor and senora and a really nice you will hate him (please see reasons above!!) ha ha...

so we managed to leave montanita on a 2nd attempt!! and we made it down to guayaquil and 5am so we cold get a good bus to lima and on to cuzco..well the nightmare begins..we figured that if we got drunk the night before we would complain about being hungover rather than being on a bus for 24 hours (what it takes to get to lima from guayaquil..) we also thought that it would be better to go to cuzco before aeroquipa and puno and do them on the way into bolivia...well peruvian buses are not the most efficient in the world..they get lost, break down, the driver gets bored so has a break, customs takes ages in peru, random bag searches happen..everyone of the bus, mechanics dont come out..and apparently the journey from lima to cuzco goes via aeroquipa and puno...we had a 20 minute break in lima but we had 73 hours on a bus..that no exaggeration.. 73 hours and that was up to an ¨hour¨ away from cuzco when the bus broke down..and you dont want to be in a bus with no heating when you come from the coast (in summer) to the winter of the mountains in cuzco..!!! well machu pichu there aint nothing it can throw at us that we cant do now!!! machu pichu tomorrow shall inform all of the trials and tribulations that are endured later!!!


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