The rest of Ecuador - Vilcabamba and Chobshi

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South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba
October 21st 2009
Published: October 22nd 2009
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Hello familia and friends!

Finally, the blog post you´ve been waiting for. Last time I wrote from Ecuador, I said I´d fill you in on Vilcabamba and Cuenca. Suffice it to say, Vilcabamba is so beautiful and relaxing. I really enjoyed my time there. I hope the pictures do it justice. As for my trip to Cuenca, it was such a treat to visit my grad school friend, Tammy. My time with her was so rewarding and spiritually enriching. I wish I could see her more often. (BTW, as I type this, I am in the home of Tammy´s friend, Glen and his wife in Pereira, Colombia). As I´d already been to Cuenca, I didn´t do too much sight seeing. I relished simply in hanging out with Tammy and running about town.

This blog entry will be interrupted. Here is a teaser of what´s to come. In the meantime, here are the Vilcabamba and Chobshi flickr sets:

Vilcabamba -

Chobshi -


And now, for Colombia. I flew into Bogota on a Monday afternoon. I spent the afternoon looking at the old main square and visiting some museums. Colombia´s most famous artist is a man named Botero. There is an excellent little Museo Botero near the town square that not only features his work but has a great collection of Impressionist and well as Surrealist artists considering the size of the museum. The following day, and my first morning in Bogota, I met Sue and Kim at the hostal. Up until then, I had really had a hard time deciding what I was going to see and do in Colombia. I looked at the map over and over but nothing came to me. So when the ladies from San Diego invited me to go to Santa Marta with them, along the Caribbean coast, decision made! We spent some time that afternoon trying to find cheap flights to Santa Marta but to no avail. In the process, we did get to see a lot of Bogota. It is a massive city! Ultimately, we put off the Santa Marta trip for a day and ended up taking a night bus to San Gil.



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