Taganga Day 3

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South America » Colombia » Taganga
February 20th 2010
Published: February 22nd 2010
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View toward our Hotel, Uppermost on the hillView toward our Hotel, Uppermost on the hillView toward our Hotel, Uppermost on the hill

View toward our Hotel, Uppermost on the hill
Nice day again, even less wind. Had breakfast and went to the dive shop to get fitted out with gear for snorkelling. Mau (short for Mauricius) was our guide, great guy in his 20s. He is Colombian but was sent to boarding school in England, then went to college in Florida and lived in New York studying film and theater. He decided that he likes diving and the ocean in Colombia a lot better so came back to teach diving. He's very into the environment. His favorite saying is "very cool".

Took the boat out to some coral about 4km away with an Argentinian couple, he was diving and she snorkelling. Nice coral and fish but the water is a bit cloudy because it is out in the open sea, still, nice snorkelling. Lots of brain coral, sponges, and colorful fish. The Argentinian girl ran into some tiny stinging jelly fish and paniced, throwing off her mask and snorkel. We found the mask but not the snorkel. Swam to shore and climbed up a hill to a palapa for lunch. Good time talking to Mau and the Argentinians.

Back in the boat and to another bay closer to Taganga.
Taganga Sunset Day 3Taganga Sunset Day 3Taganga Sunset Day 3

Taganga Sunset Day 3
Better coral here and more fish. I looked up just in time to avoid a big jelly fish, not sure if it was a stinger or not. Back to Taganga and the room for a shower, then out to the beach for a swim. Met an American oceanologist from Vermont staying at our hotel. Told him about the Nautilus Diving company and he set up with them to get his diving certificate. Very cheap here, about $250 for a 3 day course and six open water dives. Seems a bit quick but should be adequate. Nice guy, traveling by himself, he is hired to go onto fishing boats to make sure they are following regulations. Gets to go all over the world doing this.

Met up with Dennis at his hotel. Watched the Canadian American Olympic Qualifying match with 2 Canadians, Dennis and us. The US won. Back into town and to our hotel. Met an older Israeli couple who have traveled quite a bit. Not very friendly at first but once we talked to them for a while they really loosened up. Hung out with Rolf and his wife for a while then to bed.


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