Milking the cows and making cheese in Sardinata

South America » Colombia » Santander
January 14th 2014
Published: January 19th 2014
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Hello, my folks, I don't know but given the beauty and the healthy benefits of the countryside, I will pop the question to you, that is whether the trend of leaving the countryside and go and live in the big cities would change. It seems that people in the countryside live happier, there is less stress and worry about safety, the cost of living is cheaper, well, have you noticed what I am up t... Read Full Entry

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20th January 2014

the good life!
Your weekend away sounds lovely Frank. I think more city people (especially kids) should experience farm stays, so they can have a better appreciation for where their supermarket food comes from :)
20th January 2014

The good life
That's right, a nice idea, I wish I could become a vegetarian myself but it is bloody difficult. A big hug to you two :)
20th January 2014

Farm stays
Another great blog Frank. I'm a city girl but love to visit and can appreciate the countryside. Well done.
20th January 2014

Farm Stays
So am I and for a long time, I hadn't had the chance to escape from it all, glad you can do the same once in a while, it sort of helps you appreciate life even more, Hugs
20th January 2014
Picking up raspberries

A great get-away!
How wonderful to experience country life with hikes, animal visits and cheese-making! I love spending time in the countryside, but haven't spent any time on farms. This place sounded like it had everything--how great!
20th January 2014
Picking up raspberries

A great get-away
That´s how it felt, yeah, nature and internet, nice :)
20th January 2014

I moved to the country after retiring...
but not to a farm. I think people go where the jobs are. If you can work from the country that is the best of all worlds. Have a great life!
20th January 2014

I moved to the countryside after retiring
You, lucky man, I bet you do, excellent!
21st January 2014
Cat´s talk: "Look at me, I am a painting myself"

so a lovely cat
26th January 2014
Cat´s talk: "Look at me, I am a painting myself"

Hehe, yes, I was not very fond of cats as I prefer dogs myself, but considering the beauty and elegance of this one, I just started loving them. Big hugs, Frank
22nd January 2014

Me gusta
Es agradable que personas de otros países puedan conocer algunas de las tantas cosas hermosas que tiene mi país,es más los invito a conocerlas.
26th January 2014

Me gusta
Claro que si, y ese es el objetivo de mi blog, mostrar a Colombia y que de una se acabe la mala imagen que tenemos. Espero disfrutes los próximos escritos, abrazos, Frank
22nd January 2014

Living where the living is easy
It sounds very nice where you are staying. I retired in December of 2010 and have been on a quest of a sort for the “perfect” place to live for the past 3 years. But the pull of being near my family was stronger than I had thought it would be and so always after 6 weeks or so I return home. I have been fortunate as I have been debt free for decades and have been downsizing for the past few years till the “10% that matters” will fit in my 30 foot RV and truck. I know what you mean about cheap and stress free living in the country. I home base on my sister’s property in my RV and give her $160 a month to do so. My RV is parked in the Texas countryside about 25 miles west of College Station, Texas. So I have both the luxury of almost total quiet most of the time (except for the coyotes howling on a cold night or the sound of the wild hogs outside once in a while), and the convenience of once a week driving over to College Station to shop at the SuperWalmart. For the first year after I retired I had to beat back job offer after job offer but friends and family finally realized that I intended to live and live well on less than my annuity paid that I receive since I took early retirement. I don’t need the stress of working just for money. And I don’t know too many employees who would allow me constantly to take off on a moment’s notice for a 6 weeks trip merely on a whim. I have found out that my reasoning that I can live well on half as much if I don’t work is correct. Mainly as I can afford to live where the living is good and inexpensive. Actually it has been more like a third as much. Sounds to me that maybe we have both found our Nirvana, using this definition - An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy.
26th January 2014

Living where the living is easy
Hey, William, with this comment you have just become my hero, or at least have set an example for the best alternative to enjoy life. You made an excellent point regarding stress-free jobs and I haven´t met many people who actually work for pleasure. Congratulations on those big decisions made, I know it takes time for acquaintances to understand but hey, the pleasure of living like that is worth it. NICE
16th August 2015

Making cheese in Sardinata!
Well, I was curious about the process of making cheese in Sardinatas... I went through the 21 pages and I still do not know how it is made... there were some pictures on the last pages...21 maybe but there was not information... Could you share it? Thanks!
5th September 2015

Making cheese in Sardinata!
Dear Martha, Well, there may be many diferent ways but his was quite simple and fast. He froze the milk and then added some kind of lactic acid bacteria and he obtained what we call cuajada. He then put it on the cooker, adding water and salt and started stirring it and then, he put it in a container, which he left to rest for about an hour and that was it. Thanks for your comment, try it and invite me over ☺

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