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South America » Colombia » Medellin
September 4th 2011
Published: September 4th 2011
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Medallin is a really cool city. Its young and vibrant and modern. Im not going to lie, the nightlife in Medallin is so good i didn't actually manage to see much of the town during the day unfortunatly. But the clubs and bars at night more than made up for that. We went to a really cool area called La Strada on the first night which is full of really stylish and sleek clubs and bars. The clubs all seemed to have circus performers of some kind performing in them which really made the night. The city seemed to never sleep when we were there (which may have been the reason that i didnt make it out in daylight). The second night we went to a club called Carneval which was amazing. It is in a vintage theatre, and the decor is so different and cool. The bar staff all get into character dressing as circus or theatre performers and there was a stage show with African type dancers and body painters. I even managed to slip backstage and have myself body painted (a huge butterfly on my chest to match my dress). We danced salsa all night long and had way to many rum and cokes but i had such an amazing night. I would definately go back to Medallin again and actually see more of the city.


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