It's official....I have extended my stay

Published: May 18th 2005
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So I had the WORST past two days regarding Airfare!!

Yesterday I had gone down to the STA Travel office here in Viña del Mar, Chile to change my flight ticket for an extended stay. I had paid the $30 fee to change the date of the ticket, had my place lined up to live for the extra time, and everything seemed to be going fine and dandy... until the representative went to put the change of date stickers on my return ticket, THAT WASN"T THERE!! The problem was that Delta (DAMN DELTA) had taken my STA travel ticket and changed it into a Delta E-ticket. Therefore, I was no longer an STA Travel client; instead I was a Delta client.

She had asked to keep all my information to call the STA office in Santiago to find out what she could further do to assist me. I received a call today telling me that I would have to request a copy of my return ticket because it was as if I had lost it. This would in total cost me $80. I, being me, said...Ummmm no, some phone calls are going to be made to these companies in order to get to the bottom of this "problem". I spent quite some time on the phone with Delta first trying to figure out what the problem was. In the midst of my coughing and my breakdown I still managed to breathe in and breathe out even though I really didn't feel like doing so. During my long conversation and several disconnections with the most rude travel company EVER...DELTA (ok, maybe not everyone is rude)... I had my moral support (Emi) by my side giving me advice and keeping me calm. Thanks again to Emi!!

First I called Delta and was disconnected just when I thought things were actually being solved. So I called back and got much different from the first lady I was speaking with I received a very unfriendly Patty. I was disconnected with her and called back to speak with her again which turned into a big MISTAKE. She then transferred me to a supervisor who ended up literally yelling at me. So I ended the conversation with this so called "supervisor of customer service with Delta" and decided to call STA travel to figure out if I could be assisted there. GREAT IDEA!! After speaking with a very pleasant (for a change) Kristen everything was resolved. She was not happy when I told her that Delta changed my ticket from an STA ticket to a Delta E-ticket. So she called Delta and advised that I call her back within an hour to see if she was able to get everything worked out. Once I returned the call she told me that everything was resolved and the ticket was changed for free. However, nothing is for free. It cost me a break down, a long conversation on the phone with Delta (DAMN DELTA), being yelled at, etc. I think you get the picture. But at least it didn't cost anything extra than just pure inconvience and discomfort.

So I am excited that everything worked out. After all, my Wednesday didn't seem to be going all that great from the beginning. I will now be returning to the states on the 30th of July. My flight is scheduled to leave Santiago on the 29th of July (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY and HAPPY LATE ANNAVERSARY LULLA & KEVIN). A bonus is that no one will have to take off of work this time since I will be arriving on a Saturday.

For those of you who want to know my exact flight itinerary it goes as follows:

Fri, Jul 29-Sat, Jul 30: DELTA AIR LINES INC, DL 0146- Santiago, Chile to Atlanta, Georgia
Departs at 8:30
Arrives in Atlanta at 6:30 am
Sat, Jul 30: DELTA AIR LINES INC, DL 0549- Atlanta, Georgia to Austin, Texas
Departs at 8:00
Arrives at 9:20


P.S. Thank You for everything Carlton!!!


18th May 2005

Flying South
k lil miss thang, first of all sorry about ur troubles with the telephone operators. Some can be soo rude (like the business center ladies)just kidding love ya Second of all, i love how u like everyone is off on Saturdays cuz im not. But i will be there at 919 on the dot with ur madre. J/K i will see u when u do get home, i cant wait though. we have soo much catching up to do like it might take five months just to catch up on the five months that were missed. love ya sis - SASSY
19th May 2005

Rude People
Well Honey I will say this I am so glad I wasn't there.I do know how you can be too. There are a lot of those kind.That know's it all and no mater what not a sole is going to change their mind. I am so Happy for you that you were able to get it all the way you wanted at no cost to you. Just remember this, that won't be the only time that you go through something simular to that again. But remember there will be a brighter side to the problem later. I cain't wait to see you too. HUGGS AND KISSES LOVE YOU MOM - MOM
21st May 2005

Damn Delta
That just sums it up......Damn Delta!!!! Anyway, I'm glad it worked out and praise the Lord for Emi. I know you needed someone to vent to. As for all the flight info. I've got it all down in my safe place. If there is something you want as soon as you get off the plane, just let me know. I'll do my best to get it. I was counting down the days for school to be out, now I'm counting down the days for you to be home. Just something to look forward to. Love ya. - Angela
23rd May 2005

Can't Wait!
I can't wait until you come home. I really and truly miss you. I can't wait to just lounge around the house all day popping in Friends DVD's. I am so glad to hear that you got your stay extended, not because I don't miss you but because it's something you truly wanted to do. I love you Mandy and can't wait to see you. You know for a FACT that Benji and I will be there when you stepped off that plane. XOXOXOX - Brooke

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