Falling Into Volcano Villarrica - Pucon

Published: April 8th 2007
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Pucon is the adventure capital of Chile and it didn´t disappoint.

Pucon is a little like a ski town (and in fact becomes a big ski destination from June onwards) with numerous tour agencies, cafes, restaurants and bars for entertainment.

The first of our activities was to climb Volcan Villarrica. Again, perfect weather meant that we could do this the day after we arrived in town. At 7am we got kitted out with our jackets, waterproof trousers, gaiters, walking boots and crampons!! Our group was 7 strong, and with two bonita mexican chicas joining us Rich thought this was going to be a good day...

The start of the climb was fairly good going. As you´d expect the terrain was pretty rocky, dusty and steep. About a quarter of the way up we reached the snow, and felt slightly dismayed when our guide decided we didn´t need to wear our crampons just yet.

Instead we just kicked a path into the snow and put one foot in front of the other until we got a lunch stop half way up. And so it went on, about 45 minutes walking and then a 10 minute rest. As it was such a glorious day the volcano was pretty busy with climbers. And each guide had their own way - whether it be the route up, crampons or no crampons, waterproofs or no waterproofs...

As we got near the top, it got pretty steep and more hard going. I forgot to mention we lost the mexican chicas about half an hour into the climb - a minor case of beauty before fitness!!

So finally we reached the top, and the views were fantastic. The volcano entertained us with a few rumbles and gas emissions which were really choking when you got close. We werent brave enough to try and look over the edge for the magma but apparently you see it if you´ve got a heart of steel.

After a half hour at the top the fun really started. We got into our waterproofs and then headed for the 'slides' down the mountain. Literally they carve a bob-sleigh like tunnel into the snow and you sit in it and use an ice-pick as a break as you slide down.

There was some serious blaspheming when we hit points that seemed almost vertical but definitely some of the best fun we´ve had in ages...

Trying to maximise the fun, we were up again early the next morning to head to Huerquehue National Park for another 5 hour trek up to 3 lakes which are supposed to be beautiful.

At last the weather let us down, and as we got off the bus the heavens opened and never closed again that day. We walked an hour and half up hill and finally admitted defeat. Luckily there was a little refugio where we curled up in front of the wood burning stove to dry off. Less fortunately we forgot the time a little and ended up running the 2km road back to the bus stop to get us back home.

With a few muscular pains from our Volcanic adventure we finished off our stay in Pucon with a night-time trip to the natural hot-springs. With 6 pools to choose from we lazed in the hottest pool for a full two hours. At 40 degrees this was absolutley bliss. As our pains gradually eased we reflected on our recent pursuits, and put the world to rights, with yet another box of very cheap vino tinto. ;-)
Volcano VillarricaVolcano VillarricaVolcano Villarrica

Half way there and we are feeling good, this seems pretty easy, we were obviously getting fitter, how naive we were!!!

Next stop is Talca for some wine tasting which by now we are getting quite good at, the cheap vino anyway......

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Volcano VillarricaVolcano Villarrica
Volcano Villarrica

YES, 4 hours of trekking and we are finally there, a little knackered but its cool.
Volcano VillarricaVolcano Villarrica
Volcano Villarrica

Looking into the Volcano...
Volcano VillarricaVolcano Villarrica
Volcano Villarrica

What a view...
Volcano VillarricaVolcano Villarrica
Volcano Villarrica

What a view...

1st May 2007

What a fab time you are having
Hi Cat, hi Rich. You two are having the time of your lives and a getting very fit in the process. It all looks absolutely amazing. I only wish I was brave enough to do it. Keep up the ripping yarns. Love you both, Amanda, Rob and Rachel.

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