the ending of brazil and the start of argentina...

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South America » Brazil
November 15th 2010
Published: November 15th 2010
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Hello everyone
i hope you are all well and the weather isnt too bad back home. i think when i left my last message i was in sao i think i shall start from there. we left sao paulo on the overnight bus to florianapolis which is an island off brazil and is a popular holiday destnation for brazilians. we arrived after a 12 hour bus journey and got the local buses, which are amazing over here, to our hostel. it was a beautiful place and won best hostel of the year. there were 3 beaches within walking distance from the hostel which were all spectacular and so we sepnt most days down at the beach relaxing, kicking a ball about of attempting to surf. at night it turned out to be a braziliam party town and so we attended many good nights out and made good friends with some dutch guys and a couple of canadians and have planned to meet up in asia which should be cool. 2 days ago we left florianapolis on the night bus (15 hours) to iguassu falls. we have signed in to a small hostel here and explored the brazilian side of the falls today which were unbelieveable. i dont quite understand where all that water comes from and they are spectacular to view from the numerous waterfalls. we are going to the argentinian side tomorrow for more views, before heading off on the bus to buenos aires in a couple of nights!!!

will keep you all updated!

love to you all

james x x


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