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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
November 21st 2010
Published: November 21st 2010
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Hello everyone

in Buenos Aires at the moment....leaving for bolivia tomorrow i think. from when i last left you i went to the argentinian side of the falls which were even more spectacular than the brazilian side. they really are like nothing i have ever seen....power of the water is crazy! we then left brazil and took a 20 hour bus ride to buenos aires. the bus ride believe it or not was acually not that bad. the seats were huge and we got served a nice dinner and breakfast. it was actually better than taking a plane. buenos aires is a beautiful city, and in each different part you go to you feel like you could be in a different part of europe. it is a crazy place at night, with people going out to eat between 10 and one and then the bars and clubs staying open until noon the next day! i am heading out for a proper argentinian steak tonight which i am very excited about because they are notorious for being massive! i might even take a picture of it just so i can remember the taste of it compared to my boring travelling pasta dishes. hopefully when we go to bolivia we are going to spend 3 days in the salt flats which we have heard rave reviews about and then head up to la paz. the bus is another 25 hour beast but if it is as good as the last one then i wont mind too much. we have been travelling for one month tomorrow and will have competed 2 countries. still find it a little bazaar that i am in south america....but i am loving every experience!!!! anyway im off to try and eat a whole cow!!!

love to you all

james xxxx


22nd November 2010

Good reading
Thanks Jims - loved reading - must be amazing if not surreal! Love Mum x

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