Brazil 2007

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South America » Brazil » São Paulo
July 5th 2007
Published: May 2nd 2014
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Well my first adventure out of Europe is finally here. I arrived in Sao Paulo yesterday. After months and months of thinking about it, debating with myself, and then finally deciding. I have packed my rucksack and headed west. On what I hope is the first of many journeys to come.

Why Brazil you may ask?

My friends are on a six month tour of the Americas and heading south within the next few days. I'd been thinking of places to go and then decided (with a bit of persuasion) and the added thought of meeting friends - on Brazil.

I'd not thought much about the country, and it was booked after a telephone conversation with my friends who are out here. I was actually planning on Australia, but me being me, have ended up here within days of a phone call. You will get used to the change of plans.

My first stop; Sao Paulo. I arrived safely and will be staying in a lovely hotel in the financial district for four days. I am alone at the moment and not meeting my friends until I depart here and head for Manaus.

Lets hope its a pleasant stay...


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