Maracanã and post zombie apocalypse

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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro
March 4th 2014
Published: June 14th 2017
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Geo: -22.9458, -43.1825

Today, the plan was to go and see the outside of the biggest football stadium in the world (maybe 2nd now?!) and do the lonely planets little walking tour of centro (where the Cbd of rio is)

The stadium was a journey way out west on the tube, but seeing as one journey cost 75p no matter how long and James wanted to see it, it seemed silly not to go have a look see!

The station related to the stadium itself was closed so a kind local with gesturing and very fast Portuguese told us to go back past it the other way again and walk up. We did, in the sun it was hot, but we could see the stadium after a few minutes wandering. We took some photos if the outside and debated whether to wait an hr for a guided tour.... However, we discovered a 3rd option, an unguided tour. We went down the tunnel, into the dugouts, into the press conference room, up to the posh seats and into the commentators box. All for £5 each! Bargin! Also the people were lovely and friendly as we got pointed in the right directions.

James, now with a big grin on his face and I returned to the tube to go to the 'centro'. It was absolutely dead as today is still a bank holiday we presume after carnival. It was horrendous! There was obviously a big party there last night but all that remained was the rubbish and the stench. It was like a post apocalyptic scene from a zombie movie! We decided it wasn't worth it, as centro doesn't have the best reputation when it is quiet and quite frankly it stank!!

We returned to botafogo, had some AMAZING. Pot noodles for lunch and went and sat on our beach..... It's odd as no one really sits on Botafogo beach. It overlooks sugarloaf but as it is a bay, the water is not that clean. Perfect for a sit and a read though and not getting harassed by drink sellers. Some lads came and had a came of football and we chilled.

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