The Girl's in Ipanema

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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro
February 26th 2005
Published: February 26th 2005
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How could I have ever thought of coming to SA and missing out on Rio? Now that I am here it is hard to imagine not having this as part of the tour. I have had a smile on my face from the moment the plane landed. Ipanema is still the same as ever with the same suco and lanches bar. This time though I have managed to make it in summer and it is hot hot hot! Top temp for today at 37 C. Needless to say I am about to set off to the beach and frazzle!

The trip started with meeting up with Kike on Monday night. It was great to have a catch up with him in Ipanema. His first time to Rio - no comment - though there was some teasing about me knowing the place better than him! I also pegged it over to BH for a 18 hr visit to meet the latest addition to the Foureaux Lee family - Henrique and to see Veronica who is as gorgeous as her Mummy. Thanks to all for a perfect time together and for sparing such valuable family time!

I am happily installed in a hostel in Ipanema getting the low down on fellow travelers on some places to go to. It has been great chatting with them and it gets me excited all over again about the trip I am just starting on. Strangely enough - the majority of girl travelers are traveling alone and the boys are the ones in groups - go figure.

I will be doing the tourist thang over the next couple of days as Ginny arrives and hope to upload some photos. Having said that I have yet to see a USB port on any computer so far so could be interesting!

Photos can be seen at


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