Ah Paradise!

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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro
February 3rd 2005
Published: February 3rd 2005
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We found it! It's a place called Trinidade. About an hour long, at moments life threatening(dramatic effect), bus ride from Paraty. It's a peninsula where the the jungle is as accessible as the beach, and we did both in one day. It started VERY LAZY! Drinks on the beach catching sun and watching surferes in our wooden beach chairs. I think we did that for about 5 hours, hard to say, I kept falling asleep. And no watches allowed!
We then walked to the edge of the beach, to a path up the mountain so green and with dirt so soft that no one wears shoes. We made it over to rocks and the next beach cove, with whiter sands and bigger waves, and camping right next to the beach. Eventually we turned back into the forest and followed one of the rivers from the ocean up through another tropical forest covered mountain. The river water was so clear and the rocks so big that they create little pools and resting areas along the way. Even farther up we found true fun. Imagine a flat rock surface that goes for about 20 feet up, perfectly tilted, covered in algae and in an inch of running water that empties into one of these pools. This is where they decided to bring waterslides to theme parks! It was hard to get up, and a little cold but sliding down is fantasticly fun!
Today we got up early to take a boat over to a section of beach that is blocked from wind and big waves by gigantic boulders. While most other people near here sat on the rocks and suned, we hopped, swam climbed and skidded to as many of the boulders that we could climb. Great fun, then back to Rio where we will stay through carnival!

Best to all, tim tim!

A and B


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