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Brazil's flag
South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro
February 7th 2006
Published: February 10th 2006
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So before digging up Senor Ronaldinho´s back garden, we decided to take a look a round the city.

Firstly, Copacabana beach - what a place! Along with Ipanema beach, there are no places like it, golden sands backed by palm trees and high rise buildings, peopled by beautiful Brazilians, and in view of Sugar Loaf mountain and Christ the Redeemer, who looms over the city like a guardian angel.

The next day we went to the Maracanã stadium and watched Botafogo beat Americano 2-1 in what we discovered afterwards was some sort of semi-final. They played in 40 degree heat, and the fans had some really big flags. And Eric was on a radio station - this commentator sat next to him - shoved the microphone in front of him- Eric´s famous words to all of Brazil ¨Fala ingles?¨.....

The following day we went up to see Mr Christ himself, with an amazing view of the city, hills, beaches and sea. Sugar Loaf mountain also looked good, and we spent the evening at the top of that to see Rio at sunset.

For the second momentous event in the past 12 months, Eleni´s camera´s battery failed (we
Look into my eyes...Look into my eyes...Look into my eyes...

Thanks Tom and Zara for this cool photo idea!
have very few photos of Live 8!) and so we are awaiting an email from the very nice couple who volunteered to take photos on their camera and send them to us. Thanks Tom and Zara, and sorry we stole your idea for a photo!

The final day before we joined the people on our tour was spent on Ipanema beach, which again was amazing. In all seriousness, these beaches are even better than the ones at Folkestone! Unreal.

So back to the Carrot, after digging for three hours, we finally found a treasure chest - in it, another map! Apparently it had been taken back to Machu Picchu, the place it was found, to lift some curse or something. So we need to go there at some point. We´ll see what happens.

We´ll keep you posted!

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Inside the MaracanãInside the Maracanã
Inside the Maracanã

The happy Botafogo fans
Coconut on Copacabana!!Coconut on Copacabana!!
Coconut on Copacabana!!

Sugarloaf in the background....

19th February 2006

What?! No comments have been added yet to this entry? How could no one mention that picture of you Eleni? The one with the reflection of Christo in your sunglasses - that's just class. I guess being into photography I notice these things! Hehe keep enjoying yourselves. xXx
24th February 2006

your right
Tanya I had actually completely missed that, I'm rubbish!

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