Getting into things!

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December 30th 2005
Published: December 30th 2005
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Thursday 29th December 2005

So... the boat party. I have to say we were all a little disappointed. We left really late for starters. And then the boat was full of gringos. Drunk gringos by the end of things. We could´ve been in Ibiza or something. Oh, and it just went to 1 beach in the end, and the water was absolutely filthy. But the location was spectacular so we made the most of it. Oh, and on the gringos note, I seem to have found myself in a hostel where everyone has a similar dislike for the traditional English tourist!

In the evening we decided to go to a club called Zero Zero. Apparently it´s where all the beautiful people go (and in this city, that´s quite a claim!). A Brazilian girl Paul knows claimed to know someone who could get us VIP entry on the guestlist, free champagne, that sort of thing... What a load of nonsense! We arrived at about 1,30am, on her say-so, and had to queue outside with everyone else. It was 1 in 1 out, so we decided to go elsewhere. Apparently Bruce Willis is going there tomorrow night. Well, the could´ve had Billy Conkers there tonight, but they missed there chance!! We all piled back into some taxis, and headed back to Copacabana. Unfortunately a similar situation existed at the club there we wanted to go to. After a while, we gave up and went home, all very disgruntled! So all in all a disapponting day. But don´t get me wrong. This is Rio, it´s great, and I´m loving it!!!

Still no photos. I´ve taken some now, but the computer here is just too slow to load them up. If I can I´ll attach them retrospectively at some point.

One final thing,

CONGRATULATIONS TO SIMON AND MIA ON THEIR ENGAGEMENT I´m so pleased for Simon, we all know Mia´s a lovely girl, but I must admit, I thought she had more sense!... Hehe, only joshing mate! Congratulations to you both.


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