Brazil - Porto Alegre, Florianopolis, Rio de Janeiro & Sao Paulo

Published: March 22nd 2010
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Porto Alegre Our night bus arrived at about 10am in Porto Alegre, our first stop in Brazil or Brasil how they spell it. Cant really understand why we changed one letter!!! We went to the tourist office to get some information about the town and then got a cab to our hotel, in Downtown. We arrived at the same time as a Swedish couple an child from our bus. They didn’t have any money for the c... Read Full Entry

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This table only sits 10This table only sits 10
This table only sits 10

No good for christmas!
Green beerGreen beer
Green beer

St Patricks day
The master pieceThe master piece
The master piece

By Catherine Defrates Age 9 Tom told me that the drawings that Catherine did as a child at her Grandpa's looked just like this piece!!

If you look closley on the righ you can see him

22nd March 2010

Hey Tom and Zo, We enjoyed reading your Brazil post. It reminded us of our time there. Our blog is looking for travel photos to post. If you have time, email us some at or check us out at Continued fun on your travels, Heather and Eric
29th March 2010

Well what an experience!
I think you must have been really brave to venture into the favela but what an amazing experience. In spite of the disappointment of curtailing your travels it seems that Brazil was a real high point. Well Tom and Zo, I think you are in Miami at the moment, leaving in 2 days time, so this will probably be my last input. What an absolutely fantastic 6 months you've had, and thanks for letting us in on it. It's been so entertaining reading your blogs and has certainly made our depressing winter seem brighter. Enjoy the last couple of days of freedom and hedonism and we look forward to seeing you on your return to Blighty. Just one more thing - we will expect you to recite fluently that longest place name in NZ - see I haven't fogotten! Lots of Love Aunty Kathy and Uncle Lennie xxxx

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