Isla del Sol & Copacabana

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South America » Bolivia
September 23rd 2009
Published: September 23rd 2009
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Let me preface this entry by saying, holy shit.... this place is one of the most amazing places I have ever visited. Isla del Sol is the Inca creation site, and the birthplace of the sun in Inca mythology. For those who do not know where this is really, it lies on Lago de Titicaca, one of the highest navigable lakes in the world. To get here, we took a boat from Copacabana and docked at Yumani.

Now, if you are thinking of going here, there are a few things you should know. First, there really is not that much to do here. Yumani is the largest village of three that are on Isla del Sol. However, the largest village still doesnt have that much to do. The first thing that i was amazed to find out is that there is no bar. i mean, on my trip i dont look to drink every night, but an entire island without a single bar amazes me quite a bit. Second, once you arrive here, stuff is expensive. I mean, compared to what you can get back in the states I guess its not that bad, but Bolivia is supposed to be the cheapest country in south america, but after three days on the island, it definitely didnt feel like it. They love to charge you for everything, and unfortunately, there is not much you can do about it. Immediately after getting off the boat, we were charged with an entrance tax (after already paying a departure tax when we left copacabana). The boat ride for the return boat is twice as expensive as the boat to the island (i feel like it should be the same price, considering we had the same boat driver both ways). And also, we got charged to walk on a road leading up to a ruin site, and then charged again on the same road to walk to the other end of the island... I guess i dont really know why im complaining because i still only spent about 40 US dollars in three days, and thats for food, buying beer at a market, and the boat ride.

anyway, back to the story. After the five of us arrived to the island on the boat (im now travelling with two brits, an irish, and an aussie), we literally took the very first place we saw.
Lake Titicaca Boat Ride 3Lake Titicaca Boat Ride 3Lake Titicaca Boat Ride 3

our boat went right through that gap and i thought we were going to crash
This sounds pathetic, but let me explain. The docks of Yumani rest at the very bottom of a very very large hill. Once you get off the boat, the only thing that is near the dock is a single restaurant. To get to the first set of hostels, hotel, tienda, or any other restaurant, you have to walk about fifteen minutes up stairs (which really really sucks when you have a 20 kilo pack on your back). The place wasnt so bad though. It had hot water, a great view, and it was only 30 bolivianos per person per night (about 4$). Beat from a long day of buses and boats, we spent our first night eating dinner and playing drinking games at a restaurant with no one else in it except us. And at about 9pm, after it closed, we went to sleep... I think this is the earliest i have gone to sleep since I was 10 years old and actually had a bed time.

On the second day on the island, i was woken up by a blinding sun reflecting off the lake, i found a local and bargained a deal for him to take the five of us to the north end of the island for 35 bolivianos per person. it seems cheap, but i actually think we got ripped off. We spent the rest of that day, walking from the north end of the island where we got dropped off at, to Yumani, the south end where we were staying. It took four hours, it was scorching hot, but it was worth it. The path we walked followed the top of the island, and every time you look out across the water, it would be better than the last. I really dont think any words i attempt to use could describe how amazing it was.

The next morning we took the first boat back to Copacabana so we could catch a bus to La paz. Our bus wasnt going to leave for 4 hours, so we killed time by gorging ourselves retarded with a lavish breakfast. I ate had desayuno americano (bread, jam, three eggs with bacon and ham, mate de coca, and a banana smoothie). Feeling unsatisfied, i then ordered pancakes with ice cream, all before it was even 10am. And it only cost me about 6$. God do i love bolivia!!
Lake Titicaca Boat Ride 5Lake Titicaca Boat Ride 5Lake Titicaca Boat Ride 5

Ben posing for the camera

I was hesitant to come to bolivia, mostly due to the fact that americans have to pay 130$ at the boarder to get a 5 year visa. In fact, i actually wasnt planning on coming, but im happy i did. Though isla del sol is pretty quiet, and there is not really a whole lot to do except hike around the island like we did, or maybe grab a book and lounge around the whole day, but it also offers some of the most stunning views i have ever seen.

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25th September 2009

Verrrry nice :) glad you are able to eat a lot of food for cheap! The last thing I would want is for you to go hungry! continue to have an amazing and safe trip! XO

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