
Published: March 3rd 2009
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Lots of different types here...
I recently got back from a Bolivian campemento in Cameete, that I went to during the weekend of Carneval. I went with the spanish-speaking church that I attend with my host family. The best way to describe the experience was one that I was glad that I did, but also one that I would not voluntarily do again. We hardly got any sleep on the trip, and we're never given a moment of free time or relaxation. I felt like a needed a vacation after the weekend...

Some of the pictures are from the landscape around the camp, some from games there, and a couple from the nice dinner/gala at the end of the camp. I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed that I was unable to hike any of the surrounding mountains. It was indeed the one thing that I really wanted to do out in Cameete, however, Bolivians are usually quite uninterested in hiking or enjoying natural landscape. In fact, people in the camp seemed surprised when I suggested that we should climb one of the surrounding mountains/hills. They would say "Oh, that would take a long time and be really tiring..."

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Photos: 30, Displayed: 22



From left to right: Bilga, David (i think), and Jerusha

a game just like soccer, played on a basketball court. Much more fast paced and requires very good ball handling.

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