Copacabana & La Paz

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department
November 26th 2010
Published: December 8th 2010
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Mon 22 to Fri 26 Nov – Copacabana & La Paz, Bolivia 06:00 alarm (getting used to this now) to catch a TourPeru bus to Copacabana in Bolivia (still on the banks of Lake Titicaca) 3 hour journey – 2 hours driving and 1 hour doing paperwork to cross the border. 1: Queue to get Bolivian money then back on bus 2: Queue to show passport and paperwork 3: Queue to get passport stamped 4: Walk acro... Read Full Entry

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11th December 2010

another fine blog!!
Hi you two! great to hear your news and the previous blog from lake Titi watsit! I feel exhausted just reading it but that might be because I am hung over and have been awake since 5am!! Kids have slept really well for a couple of weeks and the first time Paul and I go out in a long time they decide to be up at 5am and be the loudest they have ever been!! They must have detected weakness and went in for the kill! roll on 7pm! Met up with Neena and David Lane (Mary couldn't make it) and Jan and Pete were ill so they didn't come but Suzi came, a nice night. Neena said had I heard from you and I said about the blogs and she said she hadn't got one and then said she hadn't looked at her e-mails so I said that was why so have told her to pull her finger out and e-mail you!! Thank you for your pressie, was going to leave till Christmas but Francesca pounced and opened it before I had a chance to stop her! The little talisman for luck, wealth and anything else I can wish for is hanging on the wall in the kitchen so fingers crossed! and I shall be needing the hat and scarf as more snow is predicted (on trying it on Francesca said, everyone will laugh at you mummy, but I won't!! ah!). We escaped most of the snow last time, just a smattering and Francesca's school was still open so we took her to school on her sledge! the snow elsewhere has been really bad and I have 2 parcels which I am expecting and they haven't arrived so getting worried now in case they are not here for Christmas, seems ridiculous that your parcel from Bolivia came quicker than a parcel sent internally in the UK!! Anyway will sign off now and cease my verbal diarrhoea! Glad you're both having a great time and will e-mail you before xmas! Lucy x

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