The Last of La Paz- Futbol & Gran Poder

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June 9th 2009
Published: June 9th 2009
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Gran PoderGran PoderGran Poder

The dancers would alternate between actually dancing, setting off fireworks, and taking slugs of beer/jack/other recreational beverage
Hi again all!

We are back in La Paz and have been for a few days (that last blog was a few days late in publishing)... Long story short, we almost bought a car to drive back to California and decided not to at the last minute. I admit, at first it was MY idea. I had secret visions of rescuing a puppy and bringing it home with us. We looked at the car several times and I was dubious whether it would have even gotten us to Brazil, much less the US (it was a 1975 Toyota Landcruiser) even though Stephen in all his extensive auto mechanics knowledge insisted that it would make it (anyone pick up on the sarcasm there?). But really we both decided it was for the best if we postponed our car trip cross americas until we are better prepared. So we are heading out this evening on an 18 hour bus ride to Samaipata and should be there by tomorrow.

Last Saturday was a big day for us.. We had our Futbol game of Bolivia versus Venezuela for the World Cup Qualifiers. And even though neither team is going to qualify, it was
Mamacitas dancingMamacitas dancingMamacitas dancing

The costumes were very elaborate, gaudy, and liberaceish. Older women participated, as well as men and young women
still really cool to go to the game and see the stadium. See pics. AND the same day happened to be the Festival of Gran Poder, which we believe is a yearly celebration in which peasants from all around comemorate the past through dance. According to our benevolent juice lady, the people save all their money all year long to invest in elaborate costumes and alcohol to fuel the day, the main drag is blocked off and there is a huge parade that goes from day break til 2 am. We lasted through a few beers and a couple of hours of it. Entertaining, but intense!!

Because I am lucky enough to spend my birthday evening on a blasted bus, last night we had dinner at a very upscale restaurant (another Andrew Zimmern special!!) called Pronto Dalicatescen. Thats DALI catescen, get it? It it one of those gastronomically adventerous places, where they the food IS art, and the walls are covered with Dali prints and Dali-esque sculptures. The food was really really good. Really. And interesting! To start I had their house ceviche, which was deliciously beautiful and had a Thai flair to it with a tangy coconut milk
Men in Cigar masksMen in Cigar masksMen in Cigar masks

The men who were in costume usually wore this big box on their backs and had masks that were chrome with wacky hair and a pipe or cigar in their mouths. I don´t understand, but it´s pretty scary in mass amounts.
sauce. Stephen had llama carpaccio- Not my cup of tea, but he seemed to enjoy it. For dinner I had a Bolivian take on chicken cordon bleu, but better than any I´ve ever had before. Plus it came with house made gnocchi. Stephen had this crazy sqid dish in which the squid is stuffed with chorizo, seafood, and veggies and the whole thing is covered in a sauce made from squid ink. This stuff really was ink! In a moment of sheer American class, Stephen literally dipped his knife in the ink sauce and drew an impromtu doodle in his sketchbook. For dessert, a glorious brownie cakey thing covered in fudge sauce that even Vicki would have approved of, I bet.

Thats it for now..

Much love,


Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Us watching the paradeUs watching the parade
Us watching the parade

We drank and ate up a storm with the locals, sitting on a very rikety grandstand watching the dancers go by.
Futbol matchFutbol match
Futbol match

sadly bolivia lost. there were about 20 venezuelan fans there who, as the game went south for bolivia, needed to be surrounded by about 40 armed police officers for protection.
Coke tunnelCoke tunnel
Coke tunnel

they made the players run in and out of this inflatible tunnel which to the amusement of us, kept deflating while the people were running through it. nothing really works likes it´s supposed to here.
Main courses at prontoMain courses at pronto
Main courses at pronto

see blog for descriptions...artfully prepared!
SF in front of Pronto DalicatessenSF in front of Pronto Dalicatessen
SF in front of Pronto Dalicatessen

note the sign in the background. they went all out with their dali theme...

10th June 2009

Minha irma que eu amo muito...
Parabéns irmã!!! Te amoooo muito. Estou com muito saudade de você agora, mais no mesmo tempo eu tou muito feliz que você tá curtinho tudo aí. Amei as fotos, você esta linda em todas as fotos. Fala "oi" e dar um abraço no stephen pra mim porque eu sei que ele não ler esse site. haha. Feliz aniversario. beijossss!
11th June 2009

Looks like you're staying away from the more exotic foods... Hm wonder why that is. Haha jk. Good thing, you dont need to get sick anymore. Man. I'm so jealous. I'm sun bathing at a swimming pool here catching up on all of your blogs imagining I'm vacationing somewhere far away. Haha. This is gonna be the closest thing as a vacation as its gonna get for me this summer. : / Love youuuuuuuu
11th June 2009

Sweet hats!
I'm digging the paper hats. SF: Happy Birthday! Hope the bus ride was ok!
15th June 2009

Gran Poder e Futebol
Voce e Steban ja devem estar falando bem o espanhol. Otimo ver voces na festa do Gran Poder com os bolivianos. Como voces aguentaram a viagem de onibus de 18 horas. Espero que tenham pego o onibus leito, digo o melhor. Saudades, mamae.

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