Used Car Market / The Dentist OR I Fell Into A Hole

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June 2nd 2009
Published: June 2nd 2009
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Up into the hills
¡Buenos Dias!

We are still in La Paz, 8 days later.. We had planned on leaving this morning, but upon learning that tickets for the World Cup qualifier match of Bolivia vs Venezuela go on sale TOMORROW morning, we decided to stay another night. Everyone wish us luck getting tickets. The box office opens at 9am and we are going to be there at 7 sharp. Speaking of event tickets, since we now have some experience with this I am going to pontificate upon this subject briefly. There is no Ticketmaster here, no Stubhub... The system is much more democratic in fact, if you want tickets to something, you usually show up to the venue day of event and buy them, period. I like that because it makes it possible for those who want to attend an event to attend without having to pay 4x the face value to some low down scalper. We did end up seeing Annie the musical the other day. Besides the fact that it was laughably bad at several points, it was entertaining. One funny thing about that was that we bought the 2nd most expensive tickets which were 3 bucks a piece. And because
Museum CourtyardMuseum CourtyardMuseum Courtyard

a peaceful escape from the city.. the quartz fountain was beautifully transluscent
we didn´t get the most expensive 6 dollar tickets, we were not allowed to enter the theater through the front door. Instead we were led to the back alley up a set of service stairs. So much for democratic, huh..

Another adventure we had this week (besides eating) was attending the Used Car Market aka La Feria Del Autos in El Alto. We learned of this market from this guy´s blog online and were warned by several locals against going to it because it is ¨no good¨, ¨danger¨. So of course we couldn´t stay away. Not that we are reckless, of course we are not! Its just that our observation has been that if you are a middle to upper class Bolivian, anything that might involve consorting with the lower class is automatically marked as dangerous. In fact it was a bustling and lively family-friendly open air market where people sell everything from used cars, to food, to videotapes of creepy little boys prostheletizing in high-pitched voices. Admittedly I have no pictures to share because I left my camera behind so as not to have it snatched. While we were there wandering around wide-eyed, YES, I fell into a
Bear at the zooBear at the zooBear at the zoo

there were plenty of bears, llamas and jaguars, but disafortunadamente, no aardvarks.. sorry vicki!
hole. We were in the middle of a street where cars drive. I wasn´t looking at my feet, and all of a sudden amid gasps, I stepped right into a hole about 3´ in diameter and 5´deep. By some miracle I was not hurt at all, and according to Stephen, I fell very gracefully (a ´la Erin 😊??). How no one ever thought to cover the damn thing up is beyond me, but there you have it. For fellow travelers who want to go to the market, I recommend it. Just look where you are stepping. To get there take any mini bus marked Auto Pista, Or Ceja. It will drop you off on the side of the freeway and you follow the crowds of people climbing the stairway to your right, keep bearing right for a few hundred steps and you will be in the market. NOTE- It only takes place on Sundays and Thursdays!

Last night, we also decided to go to the Dentist. Both of us needed a cleaning and considering the price of dental work in the US, we figured it would be a good bet to try for one here. We checked prices at
A Condor- The sacred Inca birdA Condor- The sacred Inca birdA Condor- The sacred Inca bird

Also arguably the worlds ugliest. Incas still catch one per year and tie it to the back of a bull to demonstrate Inca dominance over the Spanish.
a couple of different places, but the one we settled on was Gabriela Blanco Morales located at 2618 Av. Arce, Edificio Columbia. She was absolutely wonderful, and gave us both a thorough cleaning that was as good if not better than one we might get in the US. She wasn´t the dentist recommended in the guide book- (he was more than twice the price). If you are in Bolivia and need a dentist, Dr. Morales rocks-and speaks English to boot.

Thats all for now,

Paz, S&S

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Valley of the MoonValley of the Moon
Valley of the Moon

Not much to it but some weirdly shaped mud. We walked through anyway, and over this precarious little bridge. Not a child friendly destination as you could fall 20 to 30 feet down into the mud crevaces
Blurry public hangingBlurry public hanging
Blurry public hanging

We stumbled accross a plaza full of people one evening. For like 2 seconds we thought it might be real, but the guy in the noose was laughing and giving the executioners instructions on correct hanging technique.
The return of the ¨purple corn drinkThe return of the ¨purple corn drink
The return of the ¨purple corn drink

In the comedor last night we were flagged down and given Api, or more affectionately known as purple corn drink (remember from Peru?) This one was thick and served HOT, good on a chilly la paz night. (still not my favorite- sf) Also, the cheese filled empenada we got was hot and fresh, the best we´ve had so far straight from the fryer
Iglesia San FranciscoIglesia San Francisco
Iglesia San Francisco

In the plaza, people sell flowers instead of the typical candles, for worshipers to adorn their favored saints with. The church smells really good inside and isn´t covered in melted wax.

3rd June 2009

Oops, there you are!
I just couldn't help but laugh about the "hole." When you were 4 years old, I would visit you in LaJolla. I usually joined you at your playground in the neighborhood and met the "gang". I would go into the apartment and see about dinner and came out and couldn't find you anywhere. I asked the kids and most of them were scattered about and then a manhole cover popped up and there you were! I can't imagine what the "draw" is for you! I am glad you are having a great time and even had a visit to the dentist - was that before your "drop". Stay well! Hugs, Grams
5th June 2009

Buenos Dias
I can't wait until the next blog to find out how was your experience getting soccer tickets, and your next adventure. With all de empanadas and churros and hot dogs I can see how it would be difficult to find some grassy and herbaceous food to eat in Bolivia. One thing would never find in the US is someone teaching haging techniques in public. Even as a joke! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE! MOM
11th June 2009

I need to learn how nof to read these when I'm hungry or craving something I can't eat! Haha. The fried cheese thing is calling me to La Paz. Swear. Haha Shouldnt you watch your step any time you're walking? Hahaha Glad tp hear your ok. That could have ended up bad.
14th July 2009

life is short
Good to read you both are having a great trip building a lifetime of memories. keep expecting to see you on one of the food stations eating some wierd local cusine. Or hunting a monster in a river or jungle. Good luck in all travels lol craig pam todd kyle

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