La Paz (Amazon here we come)

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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz
May 30th 2008
Published: May 31st 2008
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La Paz is a fun city to walk around. Being the highest capital in the world you are reminded of it constantly as you trek up and down extremely steep narrow streets and look up at the surrounding city clinging to the mountain side. We have had a busy day orgainsing our coming weeks activities and adventures.

So tomorrow morning we are up at 5am to catch a flying tin can run by the Bolivian military into the Amazon (low lying and warm) and hopefully find a small dirt runway near a town called Rurrenabaque. Leanne has spent the day working up courage. Her love of travel must be huge as we all know how big her fear of flying is (lucky for Valium). We plan on spending 6 days there broken up between a boat into the jungle camp and a trip to the Pampas which are meant to be teaming with wildlife. There may be a satellite internet but failing this we hope to make it back safely by the 5th June. Flights are very dependant on weather so fingers crossed for tomorrow.
With our bags packed with Deet laiden mosquito repellent, malaria pills, t-shirts and shorts we
Power LinesPower LinesPower Lines

What a birds nest
say Chao


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