Coke Dens and Brothels

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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz
May 17th 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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Yes, coke dens and brothels were my 1st taste of La Paz.

Shopping ensues at quite a rate but our good allie Nick puts us girls to shame with his choice and volume of textiles. We follow suit; slippers, bags, wall hangings, hammocks (what we are going to do with hammocks!) jewellery, ceramics, knitwear- all I little gluttonous but so cheap and what we had been waiting for!!

The last supper and it is drunken farewell speeches before Vivians..............

Yes, Vivians the coke den/brothel of the email title and many a travellers dreams. Inside, the mirrored walls finished with red satin trim and plastic plants set the tone, seedy and illegal. But the cheapest and highest quality coke in all Bolivia. Fabulous but i´ll just take in the scenery.

The police arrive 3 times and without fail encircle the same poor US guy who was unfortunately caught racking up on their 1st visit- 100 bolivianos fine it is (4 quid). On their 3rd visit I feel quite sorry for this guy until,

"You speak well for a black, in the US all they can say is..... what what what mother fucker i´m gona shoot you up!.........Yeah, im from the Deep South and i´m proud of the Confederation flag, more Americans should have one"

If you say so, OK, can we just call back the cops and have him taken to San Pedro prison please?! NOW. God only knows, what is this racism week?! And I was meant to take this as a compliment!!

My bus back to Cusco (yes BACK to Cusco, more on this later) is at 8am and Georges flight isnt long after so at 7am we leave and it is teary and bleary eyes as our joint adventure comes to an end. Sad v. sad...................


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