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July 7th 2005
Published: July 7th 2005
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I think I´ve had confimed that most people I know and love in London are OK now, so I´m relaxing. I shan´t go on about it.

I really really like La Paz. There´s something about capital cities, isn´t there? They have a special energy. I´d like to hang around here for a few days.

My new camera is as like my lost one as can be without actually being it. It´s 7.2 megapixels, a slight upgrade, with a 2.5" screen, a slight downgrade. Don´t know whether it´s a good price or not. Probably not, but not too far off.

On my way to buy it, I walked down La Paz´s main thoroughfare. You´re told to expect to see political demonstrations quite often along here. I didn´t. I saw loads of schools parading their sports teams. People were playing volleyball, football, fencing (I know you don´t "play" fencing, bear with me), basketball and skipping for miles. The skipping team invited me to join in, so I did, and a couple of lads threw a rope round me till I botched it up. I´m a bit out of practice at skipping, and I was wearing a rucksack. An hour later and I´d have been able to have someone take a photo of it to show you! Oh well, from now on...

I had a bit of a nightmare incident in the bathroom section of my hotel room last night. I was changing my earrings (I´ve pierced my ears, for anyone who didn´t know - breaking news, obviously) and whn I separated one I was about to put in, the back pinged out of my hand. Now, my lightbulb must be about a 8 watt, so it wasn´t easy to see what was going on, but I thought I´d heard it bounce on the tiles of the bathroom section, so I got out my torch and searched around for it on my hands and knees. I couldn´t find it for the life of me, and I became convinced that it had fallen ito the gap around the one removable tile in the floor. So, with great difficulty, I managed to wedge my fingers into this crack and prise this filthy thing up. It was attached to a lump of concrete underneath and exposed a drain. No sign of my tiny piece of gold, so I thought I´s put the tile back. Easier said than done. I just couldn´t get this thing to fit again, no matter which corner or side I placed first. At one point, I sort of let it drop, in the hop it would fall into it´s righted position. Instead, this broke the tile into three. Bugger. Much more messing around later, I was as dirty as a plumber, and I have this thing kind of wedged roughly near where it ought to be, wth the three pieces of tile rammed together but no longer tessalating.

Funny thing is, this morning, the earring back is exactly in the middle of the bathroom floor, in about the most obvious position possible. Either someone planted it, I´m going mad, or I badly need an eye test.

The result of the vote was 2 to 1 in favour of the bike ride, so I´m doing it tomorrow...


8th July 2005

Glad to hear democracy rules your travelling... Enjoy the bike ride :o) Prob safer than getting a tube in London at the moment. Camera sounds cool. Isn't La Paz crazy?!
8th July 2005

La Paz is massively crazy. I´m so keen on it. If if weren´t for Quito being a lot warmer, I´d probably enrol on a Spanish course here.

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