Incessant Hum

Published: July 7th 2015
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Welcome to Isla del SolWelcome to Isla del SolWelcome to Isla del Sol

Please check your devices at the docks.
I feel compelled to write. I was eating my meal of trucsha, potato, and rice in this remote village on Isla del Sol. It was pitch black outside, an Andean cold inside, and this girl on the other side of the room was skyping with her mother. If this is the new direction of travel let me be the first to say I do not like it. Travel is supposed to be an unhooking experience. You let go of all your connections, forgoe the familiar, and trudge off into the unknown. This is how travel can change you and the direction you might take. You are free to see the world and yourself in a different light. It can also expose things about yourself that you never realized or had forgotten.

I purposely left my phone and ipad behind. Why would I want the problems and distractions of my everyday life tagging along on my journey? Back home we are too plugged in, constantly refreshing our browsers, relentlessly checking are inboxes, always having to stay connected to the incessant hum of modern civilization. This island is awe inspring, but awe inspiring in its stillness. Let your mind wander where it will. That could be back to the Ancient Incan past. Or some glorious uncharted future. Or how it frequently has been for me this trip to the immeditate transcendental present. So please leave the iPad at home. I am sure Mum would understand.


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