Isla Del Sol - Where the Inca empire began...

Published: June 23rd 2007
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Isla Del SolIsla Del SolIsla Del Sol

The Island!
According to legend the Inca Empire began on the Isla Del Sol (´Island of the sun´, altitude 3810m above sea level). Although when you visit the Island you find it hard to believe as there is not much there. There is one impressive Inca ruin, a sort of labyrinth, and a ceremonial table, but the rest of the island is really very barren, but the views and surrounding scenery is spectacular.

I caught the slowest boat in the world (!) for the 1.5 hour trip from Copacabana to the northern tip of the island. I checked out the ruins there and then started the 3.5 hour walk accross the island to Yuamani at the South end of the Island. On the boat I met another UK lad, a Swede and a Frenchman and we did the walk together. At Yuamani I found a hostel and checked in. Here I met two Irish girls, a Slovakian and a Bolivian and we all went out for dinner together in one of the local very basic restaurants. The local red wine tasted horrific!

I woke up early, put on several layers as it was freezing outside, and walked up to the

The harbour at Copacabana
top pf the hill to watch what I was told was a spectacular sunrise. I was not disappointed as you can see from the pictures.

Later that morning I got the boat back to Copacabana and then a bus for the 8 hour journey across the Peruvian border to Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire and home of Machu Picchu the ´Lost city of the Incas´.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9



Inca ´Labyrinth´ ruins

Beautiful sunrise!

The hostel I stayed at

Sarah & Linda - The Irish girls

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