Perito Moreno Glacier

Published: January 18th 2007
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El Calafate - Into the Andes!

Moved further west and into the foothills of the Andes and the Los Glaciares National Park. El Calafate very much like Banff in Canada so Heather felt at home.

Took a day trip to the Perito Moreno glacier - a small chunk of ice of only 20Km long, 5km wide and 60m high......! Although its not advancing, it is the only one in the world not retreating. Its growth is in equilibrium with that lost as melt water. Saw enormous chunks falling off into Lago Argentina (3rd biggest lake in sth America and all glacial melt water). The lake feeds the Rio Santa Cruz which makes its way through Patagonia into the Atlantic.

Saw our first Condors soaring over the foothills. Strangely also saw loads of European hares.

Patagonia is a wild place, the biggest open spaces i have ever seen, pampas followed by pampas followed by pampas! Awe inspiring really just for its vastness.

Into Chile next for the Torres Del Paine national park and 5 day trek in the mountains.

More when we return from the wilderness (with the other several thousand walkers....)


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mmm ears and name very similar...

18th January 2007

Still a tit.
Great to see you both having an ace time. Pictures are fantastic. It's shit here. Just had ofsted and dog got run over on same day. He's alright though. Will keep looking at this but not very good at technical stuff. Stay cool and safe. x
24th January 2007

Big Tit
The ears on the poster are smaller than yours!! Just thought I would let you know Liverpool beat Chelsea 2-0 and Arsenal beat Man U 2-1. Title race still wide open.
24th January 2007

Blues and greats
Laughed out loud at the looky-likey pic. Pob springs to mind. Fantastic photos, guys - really impressed. Nice to hear you're having such a fantastic time. Charlie x
30th January 2007

You sure you're away? Really?

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