Back in the Grind

Published: August 6th 2007
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El CentroEl CentroEl Centro

Entrance to the civic center
Some days it feels like I’m back in grad school. I have to write two papers a week, and they have topics similar to what I had to write in the past. For example, last night I had to explain Glasser’s Choice Theory and why I choose to use it in my work. Had I been smart (or had any clue what to expect) I would have brought all my files from my old essays. In fact, I did write an essay on this very topic as part of my application for several districts. If I had a copy, it would have just been a matter of translating. I know, this way is probably better. I also forget when I am writing this that the instructor so fond of assigning these has no background in my field, and that the point is to help with my vocabulary and grammar. That takes a bit of the pressure off.

Don’t get me wrong- I’m not trying to complain. I think this helps me a lot and I am learning fast. It’s just a lot harder than I expected. Probably mostly because if something comes easily, they up the ante to keep me
El Lago NHEl Lago NHEl Lago NH

As seen from a downtown street

Here are some random pictures that don’t necessarily go with any particular entry, but are cool anyways. I have realized that this site really needs the multimedia aspect. I debated photographing myself pulling my hair out for this entry, but decided that it would hurt. So instead, when an entry has no relevant photos, I will include random photos I take throughout my stay here.

Additional photos below
Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


Mi PaseoMi Paseo
Mi Paseo

On my walk to school

19th June 2007

hi there, amy! long-time reader, first comment :) i don't know that i've said this before (in fact, knowing me, i haven't), but i want you to know i think it's fantastic what you're doing. and i'm not just talking about the spanish lessons. i mean, those are important, sure, but to go off on your own like that without knowing a soul and exploring and learning life stuff? that's a level of courage that i don't have at all, and it's so admirable. you got some mom in ya, you know that :)

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