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September 8th 2007
Published: September 17th 2007
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I was chatting to an Irish guy at Millhouse, the back packers in Buenos Aires, about travelling north of Argentina and how I hadn't come across back packers in BA who were keen to travel there. Most peops I had met had headed down south and already explored the north. He suggested I head to Mendoza as I would find people keen to travel up... Sure enough I found Tom, a Dutch guy who I instantly became friends. We have shared loads of laughs, beers and fun adventures together. During our time in Mendoza we hung out with an American guy, Jack, also a barrel of laughs.
Though before I met these two trouble makers I was a lone traveler and enjoyed meeting other randoms on my travel adventures in Mendoza, such as rock climbing, absailing, trekking, visiting hot springs, with a fun water slide me and another Aussie gal, Megan, enjoyed, winery tours and a very hung over bus trip up to see America's highest mountain, Cerro Aconcagua, stunning! I met loads of locals including our lovely tour guide, Chipi, and the guys and gals who ran Campo Base Hostel and Hostel Internacional! They held some super fun bbq's and FIESTAS!! Though I only had a few days in Mendoza I thoroughly enjoyed the small city and making new friends along the way!

Additional photos below
Photos: 30, Displayed: 22


La CobanaLa Cobana
La Cobana

A chocolate factory... Christie, Na, Steph and other fellow choc lovers this one's for you!

My new fave hat... thanx Alaina
Cards... with Nick and HaileyCards... with Nick and Hailey
Cards... with Nick and Hailey

They came in handy again Mum!
La Fiesta @ Campo BaseLa Fiesta @ Campo Base
La Fiesta @ Campo Base

Megan in the black top... my water slide buddy
Tom and MeTom and Me
Tom and Me

Tom's 24th birthday 8th Sept
The start of my hung over bus tripThe start of my hung over bus trip
The start of my hung over bus trip

... not a bad start eh?!

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