Visiting Grandma....

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South America » Argentina » Entre Ríos
December 3rd 2007
Published: December 3rd 2007
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Meat platter - great
Howdy Ya´ll

Got a couple photos - although not many. I keep forgetting to take my camera out. Hmmmm

Anyway - friday night I went to my first club night in buenos aires - what a blast!

There were two floors, the top floor was all progressive house, pretty decent people. I met one guy there who I can potentially play soccer with, which would be great. Gotta show those dirty argo´s how to actually play...

The downstairs room was mainly uplifting trance, banging techno and UK hard dance - more my style! Very melodic and I enjoyed it alot! The only problem is it was VERY expensive. Everything in Argentina is about a third the price of Australia (besides electronics and apparently, clubbing)

I was charged 30 pesos for entry - which is about $11 aussie, and a whiskey with coke was 15 pesos!!! about 5.50. Which is pretty much the same as australia. So I have to be careful when clubbing. At least I´ll get into less trouble because I wont be as drunk....

I enrolled in a spanish school and I start on wednesday, so that will help. But I´m learning the

pancakes with dulce de leche - sweet
language really rapidly. I´m even starting to think in spanish - which is great.

Two days ago I came to Concordia (6 hours out of buenos aires). To see my grandma. She is 91 years old and as strong as a horse. You wouldnt know she´s a day over 75.......

We went for an Asado (which is basically an argentinian barbeque containing pretty much every part of the cow - ive attached some photos of that....

Im going back to Buenos aires tomorrow. My friend Dovi (some of you may know) has just arrived there for a few days, so im going to spend some time with him. It will be nice to speak a little more english. I get tired by the night, constantly trying to translate what people are saying.

Anyway - enjoy the photos and ill speak to you all soon.

Additional photos below
Photos: 26, Displayed: 23


My Grandma!My Grandma!
My Grandma!

91 years old!!!

6th December 2007

Hey hey, how are you having fun there in Argentina ? Your granny looks young ! Can't believe she's 91 !! And the meat platter looks GREAT !
13th December 2007

thanks for the pics i know how much you hate doing things like that so i know how big an effort you made to upload them hee- love the pic of you and anseyyyyy where are our scooter picsss DO ITTT ps. i believe you owe me an email (or two.. but who's counting :P) hehehe i want news woman!

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