Ouch my stomach

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
December 12th 2007
Published: December 12th 2007
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Bread, Coffee, Desert and Alcohol.

Its been a week of intestinal burning......

On the brighter side, i've been learning alot of spanish and have held several conversations with argentinian people without resorting to english...

I've met some nice people at the school of spanish aswell so its good to have some extra accompaniments on my days....

Some highlights of the week:

Saturday night I went to PACHA - the best club in Buenos Aires, 3 floors of trance/Progressive, on the waterfront....i've put photos up. Christopher Lawrence was playing (an awesome trance DJ from US), although he wasnt as good as expected. They even had motorbike shows in the outside area of the club, with motorcycles doing jumps off ramps - really crazy stuff.

Ive gone out to many bars/clubs here and im going to hopefully try a latin club tomorrow night. Although i've never danced tango or salsa or anything so I dont think my electronic dancing will go down to well....we'll see.

I also went to a milonga with my dad (a social meeting where people dance tango). I've put up pictures and a small video....it was very interesting! A nice way to meet people...

Besides that I've just been walking around the streets soaking in the sun and the atmosphere and improving my spanish.

I'll keep ya'll posted. Send me messages and e-mails and i'll try to get back to you....

For now, enjoy the office desks...

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